Example sentences of "has [verb] itself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For instance it is offering a number of parallel application development packages — Linda , Express and PVM — alongside the AIX Parallel Environment Software that the company has developed itself for the SP1 .
2 That play has as an epigraph a Christian equivalent of the escape through ‘ Shantih ’ from the cycles of creation : ‘ Hence the soul can not be possessed of the divine union , until it has divested itself of the love of created beings . ’
3 One example in Torquay , Devon , has proven itself over a few years .
4 For a long time it has been content with this unchanging splendour but more recently it has treated itself to a quartier in the most modern style , complete with a magnificent new concert hall , the Corum ( which unfortunately appears to have been built on ground that it is less than stable ) .
5 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
6 The UNO coalition has distanced itself from the contras , as has the US Administration by ending military aid .
7 That matter is high on their agenda , and the hon. Gentleman may recall that the Labour party has distinguished itself over the past 40 years by being wrong about practically every foreign policy and defence issue that has come before it .
8 On the continuum of penal philosophy which stretches from the punitive to the reformative , the Nicaraguan penal system has placed itself on the far edge of reform .
9 Labour has committed itself to a wide range of civil-liberties legislation and constitutional reform when it returns to government , to counter what its Deputy Leader , Mr Hattersley , has described as the vulnerability of traditional freedoms to the dual threat of ‘ legal restriction and a cynical partnership between Government and private enterprise ’ .
10 What the procedure does not permit is an exploration of alternative approaches , an understanding of the views of outside groups ( unless they think it worth briefing MPs ) and there is no scope for public opinion to form and react before the government has committed itself to a definite approach to the problem .
11 We know perfectly well that the Labour party has committed itself to an additional £35,000 million of public spending and no capping on local authority expenditure .
12 The first argument to scotch is that Britain has committed itself over the years to accepting the single currency and the central bank .
13 In 1867 Bagehot may have been able to write that ‘ a republic has insinuated itself beneath the folds of a Monarchy ’ ( 1965/1867 : 94 ) .
14 It has surrounded itself with a region from which nothing — absolutely nothing — can escape .
15 Overall , the search for ‘ a ’ cure for cancer has resolved itself into a large number of separate questions , many of which have still to be solved .
16 THE Government has drilled itself into a well on oil jobs as it ‘ scrambles out of a hole on pit closures ’ , Alex Salmond , the Scottish National Party leader , said yesterday .
17 As time and cost constraints make extensive physical experimentation increasingly difficult to justify , the transport sector has installed itself at the forefront of the model revolution .
18 St William 's has presented itself as a prime mover and so it falls to St William 's to work out how to express itself as a managing agent .
19 There are many teachers who feel that things are that bad , and for whom , at some tacit level of decision-making , becoming ‘ like that ’ has presented itself as the only sensible , or the only possible modus operandi that is left .
20 There are cases , however , where the military has seen itself as a force for modernization , particularly in societies perceived to be ruled by traditional elites , and where the military may become imbued with the norms of Western processes of industrialization to the extent that it seeks to impose them on society .
21 ‘ Their precious Republic has ruined itself over the Naples war .
22 The Democratic Party has turned itself into a ‘ small enterprise ’ .
23 A hospital has turned itself into a charity to prevent the Health Authority closing it down .
24 A stone age management opportunity has revealed itself to the Directors of AIB Bank plc in Britain .
25 Public administration and management in central government has stood up to these strains , but the weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the last 25 years .
26 In research terms , this has shown itself in the way that it has become perfectly acceptable to use a wide variety of research techniques in one study , and to use different techniques for the study of different topics .
27 The weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the past 25 years . "
28 The former communist daily , Berliner Zeitung , has transformed itself into a newsy , left-of-centre paper with a reputation for investigative reporting .
29 The extent to which the company has transformed itself over the past dozen years should not be underestimated .
30 It often seems to Christians that the Christianity which has wrapped itself round the person of Jesus has served to obscure rather than communicate its raison d'être .
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