Example sentences of "they stand [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ideas , according to Berkeley , are particulars whose significance is explained by saying that they stand for the things they represent .
2 It would obviously be the worst of craftsmanship to score the first four bars as they stand for the violins and viola and at the fifth bar to weaken one of the parts by division .
3 They stand on the coaches ?
4 Does anyone , when they stand on the scales
5 Teesside Chamber of Commerce asked the three main political parties in the marginal seat of Darlington where they stand on the issues facing industry .
6 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
7 They stood on the banks and looked across at the blanket of fog coming from the river .
8 They stood on the steps and waved , as Chignell wheeled him away , and Breeze called out , ‘ Happy New Year ! ’
9 In the film they stood at the gates of a temple .
10 Now they stood to the walls , and if they fell , had no more help than the civilians had .
11 They stood in the foothills of the Ta Pa Shan , three levels of cinnabar red buildings climbing the hillside , the once elegant sweep of their grey-tiled roofs smashed like broken mouths , their brickwork crumbling , their doorways cluttered with weed and fallen masonry .
12 They stood in the shadows , unmoving .
13 They stood beneath the trees for a while watching the game .
14 They stood among the hogsheads , their wide aprons marked by entrails , their blood-reddened hands dexterously wielding sharp little knives as they slit open the silver bellies and tossed aside the innards — while all the time they chattered endlessly , matching their skill in removing entrails with a similar expertise at gutting other people 's private lives .
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