Example sentences of "they do [not/n't] necessarily [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Customs and beliefs deriving from a pagan past may have been frowned upon , but they did not necessarily exclude their adherents from the community of Christians .
2 They raised the issue , but they did not necessarily resolve it .
3 They did not necessarily have any particular treatment in mind , and certainly not forced feeding which is always a measure of last resort , designed to maintain life rather than to cure .
4 They did not necessarily believe that employing such consultants was more cost-effective than in-house methods , just quicker and easier for an overseas branch .
5 They went home in the evening … and they did n't necessarily wash when they went home either .
6 They did n't necessarily like it , but they respected it . ’
7 I certainly think that this is good in terms of , it gives you a a lot of areas , even if they do n't necessarily identify the stories , so , if you 're , sort of taking notes about which areas .
8 They do n't necessarily contribute in terms of the creative ideas .
9 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
10 But er communism and politics are like religion they do n't necessarily deliver the goods .
11 They do n't necessarily print every detail they 're given , ’ she said .
12 And if , somebody knows that they really , really want a child and they want it themselves and they do n't necessarily want a third person , then that it absolutely fantastic !
13 But getting both will not be easy : they do n't necessarily go together .
14 They do n't necessarily need to know what management is , they can learn all that .
15 They may want men in their lives , but they know they do n't necessarily need them .
16 the er loss of their fertility and the loss of their children and , have sexual problems and problems like that , and they do n't necessarily need H R T they need lots of time , which they 're given .
17 I think it 's important that children have both their parents , but I think we also need to remember they do n't necessarily need to live together in that family .
18 They do n't necessarily need to steal but like the excitement .
19 And when I go to Wales for a holiday and there are Welshmen , they 're just as good as I am , some can sing so much nicer , and I 've worked with Scotsmen in engineering factories , and there 's no better engineers than Scotsmen , but they do n't necessarily call them British .
20 They do n't necessarily apply to you except very loosely .
21 But they do not necessarily conclude that a thing is no more than the sum of its attributes .
22 Important as rules are , they do not necessarily bite with the same degree of force in every case .
23 Or , if interests overlap , they do not necessarily coincide .
24 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
25 Assignments differ from practical exercises in that they do not necessarily involve strict adherence to a prescribed procedure and they are not concerned exclusively with manual skills .
26 They do not necessarily reflect or indicate any academic achievement .
27 Children also like to paint their family or part of it , they do not necessarily show the correct number in the family or reflect gradations in size .
28 However , if biographies of artists are carefully examined , it will be found that they do not necessarily contain much art criticism at all ; a biographer may prefer not to express personal views about the artist 's work ; a book 's main thrust may be to describe the artist 's own aims and ideas .
29 Although the main use of the grammatical categories of tense and aspect is to indicate time and aspectual relations , they do not necessarily perform the same function in all languages .
30 When engineers go back to the drawing board and create a new design , they do not necessarily throw away the ideas from the old design .
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