Example sentences of "they wished [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By and large , planners were associated with incomers in that they wished to control the way things were done , viz to impose rules where there were none before and to replace the old social norms by fiat instead of the usual agreement between households .
2 Surely it is possible that a jury might decline to convict of murder a person who intentionally killed under gross provocation , even though they knew that the judge could give a lenient sentence , because they wished to signify the reduction in the defendant 's culpability by using the less stigmatic label of manslaughter .
3 The willingness of the commons to grant the maltote in these years should dispose of the argument that they wished to see the tax abolished .
4 They wished to replace the system under which the Church was governed by king , bishops and clergy with one in which there was a separation of Church and State , and in which each congregation would be governed by an elected minister , elders and deacons , holding their commission by positive enactment of the Holy Scriptures .
5 The former have moved into this field partly because , with the publication of the Haycocks Report , the time was ripe , but also partly because in many cases , having absorbed colleges of education whose role in initial teacher training for schools has greatly diminished , they wished to redeploy the resources into further education teacher training .
6 The Russians stuck firmly to the Moscow terminology of December 1945 , including the reference to trusteeship , the reason being that they wished to prevent the Americans from going back on their past support for trusteeship .
7 It appeared that they wished to have the system completed and in operation before paying further .
8 For instance , we can easily miss the point made by our Lord when he set a child in the midst of the crowd and declared to the surrounding throng that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they would have to become as a little child ( Matt.
9 They wished to change the rules and require the politically committed members to contract in .
10 Naturally , they wished to maintain the standard of living , but in particular for those who elected them .
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