Example sentences of "they look [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This research evidence seems contrary to common sense , but such findings are not as incomprehensible as they look at first sight .
2 They look at each other in mutual love and self-giving , a trinity yet together revealing the unity of the Godhead .
3 Then they look at each other and quickly look away again , trying not to smile .
4 They look at each other down the aisle .
5 They look at each other , disappointment tinged with undisguised relief .
6 and he goes why were you in my , why am I in my underwear seen my pants and he goes ah , here 's a message on my knee and he goes P S Sue Carpenter and they look at each other and they go , Sue Carpenter whoooo and then the mouse traps go off and it ends with them going
7 You see in British Steel we we have seventy thousand deferred pensioners and er it is a group of people that I feel extremely sorry for , because er in nineteen eighty-six British Steel introduced into their pension scheme while it was still in the public sector , retirement at sixty where with a pension credit spaced on length of service , so if you had thirty-five years service in , you could retire at sixty as if you were sixty-five and there was nothing done at all for deferred pensioners and in certainly our submission to British Steel for seeking improvements , we we asked that they er they look at deferred pensioner with a view to paying their pensions at sixty , recognising that it was a very high-class plane that might have to be er achieved in stages .
8 They look for positive evidence that the business is soundly based and a good lending risk .
9 They look for little giveaway signs like that .
10 And God tells him , he says , you make a serpent of brass and put it on a pole in the middle of the camp so that everybody can see it they look to that serpent of brass , they will be healed .
11 The trouble with all panspermic theories is that they look to outer space , yet we have no particular reason to believe that life could not have emerged right here on our own world .
12 They look to local authority housing and social services departments to help them achieve a basic human right .
13 They look like invisible ink , ’ she thought , ‘ which , when lifted , will reveal … ’ .
14 ‘ Some people , ’ said Shirley , ‘ have those fake gas fires now , you know , they look like real coal fires , with lumps of stuff like real coal , and real ashes .
15 They look like young spinach and can vary in taste from bland to quite pungent .
16 They look like some sort of animal , bouncing up and down like that .
17 I asked my husband to melt holes through the plastic , just smaller than peanuts and quite close together ; then he poked a couple of tiny holes through the ‘ open ’ end to take wire hangers They look like giant ice-cream cones , hanging at the window and the red ones seem to be the most popular .
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