Example sentences of "they found the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were taken aboard the fishing boat , and they found the only word they had in common with the fishermen was Koepang .
2 They found the various members of the company still rigid and separate , like a circle of tent pegs after the tent has blown away .
3 But anyway the idea is that er the religion was , was suppressed in Ancient Egypt and because it was suppressed there , the people migrators went to the Promised Land , when they found the Promised Land there they stopped and founded a new , a new religious state , which of course is still with us .
4 When police arrived minutes later they found the barely-alive victim inside the Red Hall estate flat .
5 Over these erm past couple of weeks we 've been looking at er some of the questions in the New Testament , we thought a couple of weeks back of the question that Jesus asked his disciples , do you think I 'm able to do this and then last week we looked at a question that the disciples put to Jesus , that time when they came down from the mountain and they found the re , three of them came down with Jesus from the mountain of transfiguration and they found the other disciples with a man who and a , whose son was demon possessed and er they had been unable to help him and the man or brings his son to Jesus and Jesus delivers him and afterwards the disciples who had been so helpless put the question to Jesus , why could we not cast out this demon and this morning I 'd like us to look at another question , we 've got another one today and one God willing next week , er and the question is , is found in Luke chapter thirteen , let me just read a few verses , because of course it 's , it 's not just the questions , it 's the answers that are important as well in Luke chapter thirteen , gon na read from verse twenty two it says in Jesus was passing through from one city and village to another , teaching and proceeding on his way to Jerusalem now that gives us a clue in that , because Jesus only ever went to Jerusalem apart from when he was a boy , he only ever went to Jerusalem once and that , after since that time , and that was when he was crucified , so Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem , it was the latter days , the latter weeks of the life of Jesus , he was making his way now to Jerusalem and someone said to him Lord are there just a few who are being saved and Jesus said to hi , to them , strive to enter by the narrow door for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able , once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door saying Lord open to us , then he will answer and say to you I do not know where you are from , then you will begin to say we ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets , and he will say I tell you I do not know where you are from , depart from me all you evil doers , there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there , when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the profits in the kingdom of God , but yourselves being cast out and they will come from East and West and from North and South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , and behold some ar some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last , so it 's just that question then , let's remind ourselves that is put to Jesus Lord are there just a few who are being saved
6 When they checked the tags on their baby , they found the correct surname on its wrist but the wrong one on her ankle .
7 When police caught up with him , they found the 27-year-old living in two realities .
8 Scared police called in a vet when they found the abandoned rottweiler .
9 They found the right house , and climbed the dark stairs to a miserable little room .
10 For the first two and a half years of his life he was in and out of hospital until they found the right medication .
11 Only a small minority had claimed unemployment benefit before and so they found the complex procedures bewildering and confusing .
12 This policy was adopted by the government as part of its general economic strategy to cut public expenditure and meant that local authorities could only exceed a predetermined level of spending on higher education if they found the additional sums of money from the rates .
13 They found the sunken ship with its bow pointing upwards and he turned left towards the runway four miles down the fiord .
14 When police arrived they found the two victims lying on the floor .
15 Instead of the old form of certificate , they found the new Record of Education and Training ( RET ) .
16 On the banks of the Welland they found the sylvan setting appropriate for such an illustrious academic institution .
17 In white hooded overalls and trained for snow warfare , the Commando quickly occupied the two harbours on the westerly island of Moskenesöy , where they found the local Norwegians anxious they should stay in case there were German reprisals .
18 However , when other people repeated my calculation , they found the same effect .
19 Well they put those in anyway , so unless they found the original ones ,
20 The French Dragoons did not follow immediately ; instead they spurred into the abandoned wood where they found the Prussian camp-fires still burning .
21 When the Spaniards reached Middle America they found the native peoples using pearls and mother-of-pearl obtained from fisheries in the Caribbean , the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific coasts of south California and Mexico .
22 Shortly afterwards they found the ideal spot .
23 They found the 16-year-old boy and carried him safely to the surface at the Dan-yr-Ogof caves near Swansea .
24 They found the Mock Turtle down by the sea .
25 Pulling back hay , they found the charred arm of one twin , still adorned with 35 bracelets .
26 They found the favourite occupation is collecting directorships .
27 ‘ Thus , the enemy forfeited the advantage of surprise , and they found the English heroes ready for them when they struck .
28 The tail end of the search for Surere was still in progress when they found the fourth girl .
29 They found the Three Cranes tavern at the corner of an alleyway just opposite St Mary Le Bow .
30 Not since they found the top half of the greengrocer .
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