Example sentences of "they saw the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , they saw the female population divided into two groups .
2 And remember , Roger , the thread had been removed , the fuse destroys itself , and people coming in and out of the room , once the bed was on fire , would scarcely think it suspicious even if they saw the odd burn mark on the floor .
3 Three metres in front of Quiss they saw the tall human and skidded to a stop , in unison .
4 As secularists , they saw the Islamic resurgence as retrograde , leading away from the kind of society they hoped to create .
5 The Left identified the struggle against the National government at home with the world-wide struggle between Fascism and the Left : they saw the Soviet Union as the heart of the " progressive forces " and the Left at home as its loyal support .
6 As they regained the other alley , they saw the pedlar pounding towards them .
7 That 's only because you 're looking at it in a very short- term perspective , they , the way they saw the communist revolution was by a very long drawn out process and so it was n't that the revolution had just created this was , this was an important step in order to lead to their ultimate goal .
8 There God dwelt among them and they saw the visible manifestation of his presence .
9 Although they paid a fee for the transmission rights , they saw the star-studded line-up as an opportunity to boost viewing figures and distanced themselves from any contentious affiliations by renaming the concert Freedom Festival .
10 They saw the dark smoke over Africa , and , here and there , through the smoke , the red , angry fires .
11 And when they were come into the house , they saw the young child with Mary his mother , and fell down and worshipped him ; and when they had opened their treasures , they presented unto him gifts : gold and frankincense and myrrh .
12 The essence of what the popes required of the emperors and how they saw the imperial office is enshrined in the imperial oaths taken at the time of coronation and in the prayer at the conferment of the sword .
13 Fortunately they saw the funny side .
14 When he did they saw the dead animal and , in fury at being deprived of their sport , they ran the hermit through with their boar staves .
15 They saw that how that , they saw the Chinese problem essentially as one of exploitation and that how that as soon as , that they saw it as the land problem
16 They saw the military discipline , anti-socialist politics , the threat of confrontation with left-wing elements , and anti-semitic baiting of immigrants and British citizens of Jewish religion , as a source of excitement which gave meaning to a dull existence .
17 And they saw the Old Bill nicking us and letting the coons go .
18 They used to giggle and splutter when they saw the old man , thinking of him sitting on a toadstool in the moonlight .
19 that is , until they saw the old man 's face ,
20 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
21 Armies of monkeys marching through the jungle roof on swinging arms took fright , too , when they saw the little file of humans and they fled chattering through the upper branches almost as speedily as the birds .
22 The industry 's corporate leaders must have laughed demonically to themselves when they saw the full weight of the law coming down on people manufacturing and distributing comparatively harmless drugs , such as marijuana .
23 A Tory headquarters spokesman denied they disclosed her name to the press , claiming they did not know it until they saw the Independent newspaper on Wednesday .
24 The Imperial troops posted to defend the river gates from Kislev fled when they saw the green horde stretched out across the horizon and advancing at full speed towards them .
25 As Cranston and Athelstan turned into Cheapside they saw the festive spirit had spread .
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