Example sentences of "they [was/were] trying [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Maybe they were trying to put up a smoke-screen .
2 And you knew what they were thinking , they were trying to weigh up whether they dare go across the stepping stones and you could tell by their faces and what they did of course when they decided no it was beyond them and they 'd play safe and they 'd go back the same way .
3 He said that although the public faces of the parents were brave , and they were trying to bear up , there were times when they sank to the depths of despair .
4 We , it was when I went to , when I , we were doing something with maps when I was at school and they were trying to find out what , it was the , where the local rates where the money was spent for the local rates and one of projects was taken down the sewage works .
5 There 's a , there 's a lot of dead people not dead cos their dead because they 've died of old age , dead because they were trying to find out how things work .
6 I just assumed they were trying to cut back as they had been a bit too lavish .
7 They were trying to sneak up and gain entry without being seen by the shapechanger .
8 Thus , for example , it was excusable for a pretty young girl to avoid wearing a seat-belt because she had been topping up her tan on the sun bed and got burnt , for two middle-class school children to ride their bikes without lights late at night because they were trying to stay up on their last might of the summer holidays , and for lads to urinate in the street because they had three miles to walk home .
9 So , I mean , they was trying to come up one day so I could watch the telly and I really needed to .
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