Example sentences of "they [vb past] to take [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rover had not set a figure on how many workers they expected to take the cash offer , he added .
2 All this , one may presume further , was supposed to supply the missing will and determination of the indigenous people and just in case the French might be feeling a little faint-hearted at the prospect , the US should immediately reconsider its policy at the first sign that the French were planning to give up or even if they planned to take the problem to the UN .
3 The FA will not pursue the matter and yesterday they agreed to take no action against referee Ray Lewis , who was accused by a fan of swearing at him during last week 's match between Barnet and Walsall .
4 Before they lost Richard Biddle with a hamstring injury , the Quakers looked like they could actually match the ex-Premier League side and for a time they promised to take the lead .
5 They tried to take the cowboys on at their own game .
6 Then , in the early stages of the second half , with Alan Shearer outstanding and well supported by Mike Newell , they threatened to take the game .
7 Some of the secondary girls considered such goings on beneath their dignity but it was n't long before they began to take an interest and help out in the " Ox-farm " .
8 Trade having been done , they settled to take the meal , to eat , to indicate their good intentions .
9 They lived a long way away , but they decided to take a weeks holiday in Cornwall and decided to see Daryl in the middle of it .
10 The couple decided against surgery but 15 years later the failure figure had dropped to only 20 pc and they decided to take the plunge .
11 As Macmillan later conceded , they decided to take the gamble early in 1955 of concluding a new alliance with Iraq under the umbrella of the emerging Baghdad Pact .
12 So they proceeded to take the game to Rangers with their elegant style .
13 some reason it has n't accepted it and Brian says it 's probably cos me wages have n't gone in yet , the bank they ca n't be empty , so he 's hoping to get that by the time they took it out he 's money at the end , it 's embarrassing enough , so , he 's telling me , so they had to take the stuff off him
14 And er and that that 's They had to take the top off to make it safe , that 's why I say a couple of hours work to put the top back on , erm makes balance .
15 At five o'clock three Corporation attendants with a policeman would turn everyone off the market ; and they had to take the cattle they had n't sold with them .
16 So they had to take the bath completely out
17 The court stated that they had to take the plaintiff as they found him .
18 They had to take the initiative , but they were encouraged to seek technical guidance wherever they could get it .
19 Although a sixth of the clergy of the diocese 's 272 parishes were deprived because they refused to take the oath of allegiance to Elizabeth 's church , the remainder stayed on , modifying their public practices if not their private beliefs .
20 Before the winter , they wanted to take a lot of food south , and leave it in depots .
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