Example sentences of "from the late [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The combination of utilitarian function , personal advertisement through statues and inscriptions , and florid architectural ornament is typical of imperial buildings in the Mediterranean provinces in their heyday from the late first century to the early third century AD .
2 In the Italian cities the rationalization of legal chaos had taken the form from the late eleventh century onwards of the revival of Roman Law .
3 The best of all the planned towns are those such as New Winchelsea ( 1288 ) and Salisbury ( 1290 ) which were apparently laid out de novo on previously empty sites from the late eleventh century to the fourteenth century .
4 Exchange in such a commodity with Spain may explain the amount of Anglo-Saxon metalwork in the Bordeaux region of south-west France ( Leeds 1953 ) , as at Herpes-en-Charente , as well as the Frankish interest in the area expressed by the campaigns of Clovis from the late fifth century onwards ( James 1977 ) .
5 ( And the western Greeks tended to make their dedications at the nearest of the Greek sanctuaries of the mainland , Olympia , rather than creating or patronizing a big cult centre of their own , ) Fifth-century Italy and Sicily did produce historians , like Hippys of Rhegion , or Antiochus and Philistus of Syracuse , the ‘ Sicilian Herodotus and the Sicilian Thucydides ’ ; even Dionysius I , tyrant of Syracuse from the late fifth century to 367 , wrote history as well as the tragedies and comedies for which he was , as we shall see , more famous .
6 Whatever the explanation of this fact may be , at least from the late fifth century B.C. onwards true La Tene Celts watched from their fortified hills the movements of their Greek neighbours .
7 The main features that any such model has to explain are a slight warming of the world ( at least , of the northern hemisphere , for which good records are available ) from the late 19th century up to the 1940s. and a subsequent cooling up to the 1970s .
8 In the southern states , where in 1940 three-quarters of the blacks lived , the " Jim Crow " laws , dating from the late 19th century , condemned them to separate and inferior facilities on trains , in waiting-rooms and lavatories , in restaurants and drinking-fountains .
9 The hey-day of sport in our village seems to have been from the late 19th century up to the 1914 war , with a short revival between the wars but although attempts have been made at intervals the same enthusiasm does n't seem to prevail .
10 A 15ft long bronze sculpture on the wall next to the store entrance depicts the history and main occupations of the people of Frome from the late seventh century until the present day .
11 He also took the trouble to buy and read a new book of theology which Ramsey at that moment published ; an account of the development of English religious thought from the late Victorian age to the age of William Temple — From Gore to Temple .
12 Thus , while it is possible to identify liberal catholicism in Ireland from the late nineteenth century to the present , and though there has grown up a climate of liberal dissent and criticism of conservative catholicism , it is still possible to assert the prominence of conservative catholicism , particularly in its alliance with nationalism .
13 The Nez Perce knife and sheath date from the late nineteenth century and are decorated with beadwork in designs that continue to demonstrate a strong Plains influence .
14 These questions have preoccupied fine minds for centuries , with interest intensifying from the late nineteenth century to the present day .
15 A practical consequence of this relationship has been that from the late nineteenth century onwards managerially and technically trained personnel have been well represented on the boards of major German companies .
16 Ironstone was a major extractive industry which , from the late nineteenth century onwards , engulfed many thousands of acres of land in Northamptonshire and north Lincolnshire .
17 For example Elbaum and Wilkinson ( 1979 ) explain differences in industrial relations in the United States and British steel industries from the late nineteenth century in terms of the increasing differences in the size of the market , the rate of technological innovation and the degree of industrial concentration in the two countries .
18 The reason for the popularity of Hercules in Britain may be sought in the spread and growth of the Salvation Cults from the late second century .
19 One regiment was stationed at Ribchester from the late second century and its members were granted land as a gratuity upon retirement .
20 The present church of St Laurence dates from the late 12th century although the tower is probably of 15th century addition , being built from ashlar and cobble and various types of old bricks .
21 However , it must be pointed out that the traditional explanation for the destruction of woodland from the late prehistoric period onwards to provide fuel for ironworking ( and salt boiling in the Midlands ) fails to take into account the fact that such activity is more likely to have engendered conservation and careful management of woodland resources rather than wholesale clearance .
22 This atmospheric Grade II building — dating from the late 17th century but with a primarily Georgian bar and substantial Victorian additions — is a prime tourist attraction .
23 From the late thirteenth century it was the residence of the Archbishop Electors of Cologne .
24 This largely dates from the late thirteenth century ( PLATES 66 and 70 ) .
25 Viewed from the late twentieth century and the widespread acceptance of the ‘ two cultures ’ , the search for affinities between art and science possesses particular significance for the historian .
26 Some historians have been arguing recently that payments of census and hostilicium specified in some polyptychs are forms of tax collection and demonstrate the continuity of taxation , and of the administrative structures to exact it , from the late Roman period to the Carolingians .
27 A bishop 's status was not only connected to his role in defining Christian society and to his monopolization of holy places and objects , but also based on legally conferred rights and obligations dating from the late Roman period .
28 When the old Roman city was revived and became London again , from the late ninth century on , one of its prime functions in the eyes of King Alfred and his successors was as a bulwark against the Danes ; his boroughs had a major defensive role to play , and London was the greatest of them — one of the very few cities of this age which came wholly to fill a Roman enceinte .
29 From the late sixteenth century the size of a domain was expressed in terms of the rice production it could command , and this assessment was made in terms of koku .
30 The removal of warriors from the land and the rapid urbanization that took place from the late sixteenth century indicate the availability of a substantial surplus in peasant production .
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