Example sentences of "but above all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The managerial implications are profound in many ways but above all a management framework must be created which facilitates such relationships in the first place and then allows them to flourish .
2 The changes had met with howls of rage from the profession ; a host of cartoons in the press ; but above all a reduction in price for the consumer .
3 It had its Arcadian examples — like all revolutions it dug into antiquity for help and respectability and dynamic metaphors — and Mary could be seen , that morning , in woods as sun-speckled as a thrush 's throat , as a shepherdess from the Hellenic world , a Grace from their pagan earth-suckled legends , but above all a spirit of the place .
4 In the subterranean catacombs deep below Vauban 's Citadel , there was safety , a hot meal , a bunk , possibly even a bath ; but above all a respite from the German shells .
5 What an dazzling occasion : the floats , the fireworks , the celebrities , but above all the marketing and PR .
6 It illustrates many points in this chapter , but above all the point about blaming forest users .
7 But above all the setting is lovely , and is a temptation to find a picnic place .
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