Example sentences of "but once it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 King Alfred brought it into his translation of Boethius too , to explain why divine Providence does not affect free will : ‘ What we call God 's fore-thought and his Providence ’ , he wrote , ‘ is while it is there in His mind , before it gets done , while it 's still being thought ; but once it 's done , then we call it wyrd .
2 There are manifest dangers in the way a relative norm is chosen , but once it is accepted that relative validity is all we can aim at these need not worry us unduly .
3 If this is not practical , you could try cooking a chicken to eat cold over several days ; but once it is cooked , divide it up into the meal portions you require , and place them in the freezer or refrigerator as appropriate .
4 u τ depends on the flow as a whole , but once it is specified , the structure of the wall region is specified .
5 But once it was asked , his whole character and political stance gave him little alternative but to say ‘ yes ’ .
6 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
7 Much work was needed to prepare enough radium to treat patients , but once it was made , it was a more convenient source of radiation than the apparatus , extremely primitive by modern standards , which produced X-rays from electric discharges .
8 Not only that , but once it was established that their corporal had an interest in me , every movement I made , almost every breath I drew , was reported back to him , including a very innocent ride I had one evening round the perimeter track in a jeep driven by one of the Flying Control Officers .
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