Example sentences of "but it [is] likely that " in BNC.

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1 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
2 In the circumstance of their redundance , the usual prescription has been the demolition of the buildings and sale of their sites , but it is likely that where redundancy affects noteworthy buildings — and an increasing number of Roman Catholic churches , lacking the exemption from ‘ listing ’ currently enjoyed by the Anglican churches , are being listed as buildings of architectural or historic interest — the church hierarchy may have to consider offering them for conversion to alternative uses .
3 It 's not now possible to identify the fissures from which each of these thousands of lava flows were erupted , but it is likely that each was produced by an eruption broadly similar to that of the Laki fissure .
4 Little work has so far focused on plant pathogens , but it is likely that this will ultimately develop as another component of integrated pest-management strategies .
5 Schools can organise their budgets in any form to suit this purpose , but it is likely that each LEA has already suggested a format which follows traditional conventions .
6 But it is likely that if American universities tolerate this latest manifestation of the Reagan administration 's medieval strategy for guarding our scientific prowess , there will eventually be considerably less to guard .
7 But it is likely that within the safety of the legal bond partners shake off some aspects of their public persona and expose more of themselves , particularly those problematic areas of their personalities with which unconsciously they wish to engage .
8 Whether or not Dom Pérignon added sugar is of little importance here , but it is likely that someone somewhere had engaged in the practice and , in all probability , the sugaring of wine may have been quite commonplace .
9 But it is likely that some job losses will be compulsory .
10 There are , of course , masterpieces in the collection , by Pierino da Vinci ( no.72 ) , Giovanni Francesco Susini ( no.94 ) , Georg Petel ( no. 361 ) , Edward Pierce ( no.559 ) and Louis-François Roubiliac ( no.565 ) , but it is likely that the greatest nuggets of information will be found in the entries on the more modest sculptures , which are so often difficult to find out about .
11 It is difficult to identify this character in unsectioned skulls , but it is likely that some degree of airorhynchy is primitive for hominoids , greatly exaggerated in the pongine lineage and modified towards klinorhynchy in hominines , but as my observations lead me to believe that the bonobo is airorhynchous to some degree , it is difficult to be sure of the ancestral hominine character state .
12 UK prices are still awaiting confirmation but it is likely that the Nikonos RS body will cost in the region of £2,000 .
13 He described his intention in only the vaguest of terms , saying that ‘ it was our purpose to ride forth against the enemies in the parts of France ’ , but it is likely that he and Lancaster hoped to join forces .
14 The streets may not have been nearly so safe as nostalgia for ‘ Old England ’ suggests , but it is likely that if working-class youths had been firing off guns throughout London , then we would have heard a little bit more about the matter .
15 Evidence from the period is confused but it is likely that Newcomen worked independently and did not know of the ideas of Papin and Savery .
16 These are stray survivals , but it is likely that other forfeitures were authorized in the same way .
17 Her will makes no mention of Minton , but it is likely that her death released the trust which her late husband had set up on behalf of the Minton children and of which John now remained the sole heir .
18 As we will show in subsequent chapters observation is an important tool in evaluation in general ( i.e. outside of the context of teacher appraisal ) , but it is likely that given the context of contractual obligations and salary enhancement , teacher appraisal will not form part of school evaluation .
19 He belonged to a transitional phase , but it is likely that most sculptors at most times , though some certainly worked chiefly in one material , were at home in both .
20 UK prices are still awaiting confirmation but it is likely that the Nikonos RS body will cost in the region of £2,000 .
21 Little is known of his career before the Restoration , but it is likely that his appointment on 29 June 1660 as paymaster of the Works indicates services rendered to the court in exile , rather than architectural activity .
22 His business career remains equally obscure , but it is likely that he began working on the rougher side of the tavern trade .
23 As indicated earlier it is not essential for the findings to be communicated by means of a written report , but it is likely that this will be the mode adopted by the majority of students .
24 The advice ( Devon County Council 1990:12 ) was that Each school must decide for itself exactly what to include but it is likely that all schools will want to include the following documents : a statement of the school 's aims and values ; a statement of priorities chosen for development in the current year ; a list of objectives to be tackled in the next two or three years ; an outline of how the curriculum will be developed and specially of how the National Curriculum will be introduced ; staff development plans , including the in-service education and a training plan for the current financial year ; plans for the use and development of the school 's resources ; the school 's approved budget for the current financial year .
25 Their pricing will initially reflect a premium over and above the normal price of a CD-A player but it is likely that this will progressively be reduced .
26 These are stray survivals , but it is likely that other forfeitures were authorized in the same way .
27 But it is likely that loss of liberty was more often held against the workhouse than the belief that the subsistence provided was lower than that available from out-relief .
28 Sometimes this ability can be judged without interview but it is likely that a number of applicants will need to be interviewed .
29 The structure of the transaction has not been finalised , but it is likely that management at the Scottish broker will end up with an equity stake in the combined business .
30 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
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