Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [be] assumed [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This allows a comparison to be made between markets in countries that are at a different stage in their development , but it is assumed that their development will follow a similar pattern .
2 This mental health orientation leads to a more pessimistic outlook on patient needs — they not only require treatment , but it is assumed that it must be compulsory — and there is a tendency towards a ‘ presumption of risk ’ — that the presence of mental illness makes the situation inherently risky .
3 None is stated in the sub-section , but it is assumed that the accused must intend to use the article in the course of or in connection with the burglary , theft or cheat , and he must know that he has the article with him .
4 The late fifties and early sixties , when I lived in Windsor Great Park , were creative and critical in manner : the established order was questioned ( sometimes cynically ) , but it was assumed that well-directed idealism could change human society .
5 Max was said to be in the grip of some form of neurosis , but it was assumed that he would grow out of it .
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