Example sentences of "not give [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
2 Again , it has been held that the Prison rules are merely ‘ regulatory ’ and that breach of them can not give rise to a cause of action for damages although it may found an application for judicial review .
3 On an appeal by the plaintiff the Court of Appeal held ( dismissing the appeal ) that in so far as the rules of the club provided that two of its officers were to be responsible in law for the conduct of the club then ( in the absence of an express provision that the officers were responsible for the condition of the club premises ) the rules did not give rise to a duty of care towards individual members to maintain the club premises in a reasonable state of safety and repair .
4 Held , dismissing the appeals , that , prior to the enactment of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 , at common law a breach of the duty of care did not give rise to a cause of action in negligence until the plaintiff suffered an injury ; that , although a foetus did not enjoy an independent legal personality , by the time that the plaintiffs were born in 1967 the common law recognised that a child born with a deformity because of a negligent act occurring during the mother 's pregnancy had a cause of action ; and that , therefore , the plaintiffs had a cause of action against the defendant health authorities for any negligent act prior to their birth which caused them to be born with deformities ( post , pp. 654H , 656D–F , 660E — 661D ) .
5 Held , dismissing the appeal , that since it was the business of estate agents to act for numerous principals , several of whom might be competing and whose interests would conflict , a term was to be implied in the contract with such an agent that he was entitled to act for other principals selling similar properties and to keep confidential information obtained from each principal and that the agent 's fiduciary duty was determined by the contract of agency ; that since the plaintiff knew that the defendants would be acting for other vendors of comparable properties and would receive confidential information from them , the agency contract could not have included terms requiring them to disclose that confidential information to him , or precluding them from acting for rival vendors , or from trying to earn commission on the sale of another vendor 's property ; and that , accordingly , although the purchaser 's interest in acquiring both properties was material information which could have affected negotiations for the sale price of the plaintiff 's house , the defendants were not in breach of their duty in failing to inform the plaintiff of the agreement to buy the adjacent house , which was confidential to the owner thereof , and the defendants ' financial interest in that sale did not give rise to a breach of fiduciary duty ( post , pp. 941A–B , G–H , 942A–B , G — 943B ) .
6 ‘ With a very great number of credit grantors not being members of any trade association and others being members of more than one , such a system could not give rise to a fair method of raising a levy .
7 The symmetric stretching mode does not give rise to a dipole change , and hence is inactive in the IR .
8 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
9 The sale of business assets above will not give rise to a qualifying merger .
10 But if , at the time the shares are subscribed they carry no voting rights for , say , the first five years , this does not give rise to a chargeable event when the five years have elapsed , because the entitlement to vote after five years exists from the outset .
11 Reason : ‘ To ensure that the operation of the plant does not give rise to an environmental hazard or danger to public health ’ .
12 Condition : ‘ Wastes shall be initially blended before incineration and the plant operated in such a manner as to ensure that the flue gases discharged to the atmosphere are such that they do not give rise to an environmental hazard or danger to public health ’ .
13 Such a representation would not give rise to an estoppel , because , as was said in Jorden v. Money ( 1854 ) 5 H.L.C. 185 ( below , p.252 ) , a representation as to the future must be embodied as a contract or be nothing .
14 It was held that the regulations did not give rise to an action for damages .
15 The advance would not give rise to an income tax charge .
16 That paragraph does not give rise to the inference that an appropriation of property is not theft when there is a ‘ consent ’ — if it can be rightly so described — which is founded upon the dishonesty of the defendant .
17 Why his Lordship should have concluded that the facts did not give rise to the issue is unclear , but subsequent events have shown that the decision has been of much greater importance for the scope of the right of public meeting than his Lordship imagined it would be .
18 In particular , it has been asked whether there are political mechanisms , other than dictatorship , that , without restricting the nature of the preferences of voters and the choices that they can make , do not give rise to the non-existence problem .
19 So that 's all got to happen and can we expect that the improvements that have been made now to the syst to the management of this process will not give rise to the same delays that occurred in getting this system flight safe .
20 Pupillage in itself does not give experience in the art of advocacy , and you should therefore play your full part in the forensic exercises provided in the Inns of Court School and in the moots held at your Inn .
21 I can not give credence to the 17 per cent .
22 Edward for his part had to accommodate himself to political and financial realities , and was prepared to compromise with the commons in return for taxes , though he would not give way on the fundamental issue of the right to choose his own councillors .
23 I will not give way at the moment , although I may later .
24 No one can confidently say that the initial calm which has greeted the news of the deportations will not give way to a far more vigorous reaction .
25 I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman at the moment ; not in this speech .
26 No , I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman .
27 With regret , I can not give way to the hon. Gentleman on this occasion .
28 He came calling for Europe to work towards economic integration to ensure that the democratic hopes of people in the East did not give way to an opposite undertow of disillusion .
29 Although the female may be mated in July she will not give birth until the following May after a gestation period of almost 300 days .
30 A neighbour who did not give evidence at the trial of Lisa and Michelle Taylor has said she saw a girl resembling Alison , 21 , arrive home at 6pm on the night she was stabbed .
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