Example sentences of "not a necessary [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , this type of internal cohesion is not a necessary feature of the structural unit we have described as the paratone .
2 A lengthy public enquiry probed the cause of the disaster and attributed blame to certain officials , but blame is not a necessary part of this story .
3 Stylistic categories are more complex phenomena which are often difficult to define , but which are assumed to be describable in terms of linguistic categories , although they are not a necessary part of the description of a language .
4 Apart from the statue within , sculpture is not a necessary part of this design , but it is often added , always in certain set positions : akroteria , freestanding statues above the three angles of the gable ; and reliefs on the metopes and in the pediments .
5 It is not a necessary part of the design of a Russian bomb that it should have detailed , one-to-one correspondences with specific details of an American bomb .
6 Though most cases of conversion at common law fall within the categories of taking or abusing possession , such acts on the part of the defendant are not a necessary element in liability provided he has dealt with the goods in a way inconsistent with the plaintiff 's rights , such as signing a delivery order for goods which are delivered under that order .
7 So to stop it being a through route , because it 's not part it 's not a necessary route for private cars to go down , and it is , of course , extremely important because the entrance to the bus station is off that route .
8 What I referred to previously as the comprador mentality , the slavish attachment to things foreign , is not a necessary component of the ideology of the TCC , but it does occur ( see Chan , 1987 , ch.18 ) .
9 This keen and ever growing group within our sport needs regular social golf , competition play and the opportunity to show that club membership is not a necessary requirement for good manners and golf etiquette .
10 He concluded , however , that it was not a necessary precondition of a restitutionary order under section 6(2) or of a remedial order under section 61(1) that the person against whom the order was made , whether the contravener or the person ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the contravention , should have received the money or property ordered to be restored to the investor .
11 Thus , quite justifiably , Marx and Engels used anthropological examples to show that private property or the State is not a necessary institution for human beings .
12 Friendliness is not a necessary attribute in a horse ; it is just a pleasant one .
13 Separation is not a necessary cause for depression because many depressions develop in its absence …
14 An objection to this argument is that a legal obligation is not a necessary condition for a liability .
15 The more general international implications of this thesis , however , may require modification since in a country like Sweden , which has a very high level of white-collar union density , government action was apparently not a necessary condition for the growth of such unions ( Adams , 1974 ) .
16 What is clear is that mental life does not cease during NREM sleep , and REM sleep is not a necessary condition for dreaming .
17 Alright , yield maximization is not a necessary condition for profit maximization , alright , in er , in a free , free market .
18 Of course consent to obey the law is not a necessary condition of such an attitude .
19 Such statements are in fact usually false , either because the combination of a and b is not a necessary condition of p , so that even if X had not done b , p might still have occurred , or because , even if X had n't done b , some other agent would have done it instead , thereby bringing about p .
20 Institutional dominance is not a necessary condition of policy-making .
21 erm I 'm not someone who 's for , for example , erm positive discrimination where that means choosing a woman when there 's a better man erm and I think that erm although some feminists do , certainly it 's not a necessary condition of being a feminist , and I certainly do n't , and I think that if John Major erm sincerely looked at all the women who could have been in his cabinet , and sincerely judged their abilities erm compared to the men who were available , erm and decided that the women were n't ready , then I think that 's , that 's a possible position .
22 The actual place and time of writing of the manuscript by the author , Wilkie Collins , or indeed the identity of the author , is not a necessary piece of information for the reader to interpret the text .
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