Example sentences of "not merely [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The way in which poverty causes illness is not merely through the lack of adequate material resources but also through the associated forms of employment and the culture that develops out of the material situation .
2 There has been difference of opinion not merely over the content of any explanation , but also over what would count as an explanation .
3 This is an inevitable consequence , not merely of the need to anglicize Nietzsche 's German phraseology , but of the special nature of that phraseology itself .
4 The end-of-term jollity was illustrative of the relaxed atmosphere that has pervaded the final week of the Liberal Democrat election drive — a product not merely of the light-headedness of exhaustion but also of the undoubted success of what has been a well-judged campaign .
5 In the end , the radical change of direction which the country took under Mrs Thatcher was the result not merely of the party donning a new suit of clothes but of the electorate despairing at the failure of thirty years of consensus politics to do anything to arrest the inexorable process of national decline .
6 The Commission must have regard to the future development of competition ( including competition from undertakings located outside the Community ) , not merely to the position as it exists among the companies competing in the market at the date of the merger .
7 The consent must , however , relate to the actual libel published , and not merely to the grant of an interview in which the libellous subject was not specifically canvassed .
8 By the 1850s the tensions brought about by social , economic and political change were already beginning to pose a serious threat not merely to the rule of the Tokugawa but to the system itself .
9 In 1929 , he had again returned to a familiar theme , stressing that , while the establishment of a ‘ National Preservation ’ body was worthwhile , it was especially important that its attention be directed not merely to the countryside .
10 Others relate to its receipt of government and local authority funds , which are granted in the expectation that the WEA is providing a public educational service in the liberal studies : that courses will be run not merely for the benefit of existing members but will be widely canvassed and advertised to attract as many of the adult population as wish to take part .
11 Homeworkers , who engaged in a wide variety of trades from matchbox-making to furpulling , did indeed suffer disproportionately from disease , particularly tuberculosis , and regulation was instigated not merely for the protection of the workers but also for the sake of the whole community .
12 As the title of the Department implies , the University recognizes the fact that university education is not merely for the undergraduate but for all who retain an interest in learning , whether at a highly academic or purely recreational level .
13 This defence of Marxism carries over , however , to a critique of Modernism itself : not merely for the fact that Nietzsche attaches ‘ importance ’ to art but for the further claim ascribed to him , and therefore to Modernism itself , that ‘ the nature of aesthetic experience contains in nuce the form of understanding proper to the world itself ( p. 66 ) .
14 The main obstacles to normalizing relations appeared to be North Korea 's unwillingness to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , and Japan 's refusal to accede to the North 's demand for compensation not merely for the period of Japan 's colonization of the country ( 1910-45 ) but also for the post-Pacific War period .
15 The definition is adopted , of course , not merely for the reason that it gives us a further explanation of the difference between causal items and their effects .
16 And not merely on the scale of a palace .
17 The application of the UCTA 1977 to non-consumer indemnities will depend not merely on the clause , but on the nature of the liability in respect of which it is invoked , as is illustrated by the decisions of the Court of Appeal in Phillips Products Ltd v Hyland [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 620 and Thompson v T Lohan ( Plant Hire ) Ltd ( JW Hurdiss Ltd , third party ) [ 1987 ] 2 All ER 631 .
18 Zurich is always in the news , not merely on the map of world affairs , but usually right at the heart of it .
19 In British public schools , for instance , not only are the majority of pupils deliberately drawn from that small section of British society committed to the standards which the public school promotes , but teaching staff are similarly rigorously selected , not merely on the basis of academic competence , but also on the basis of the extent to which they have successfully internalised the standards they are expected to foster among their pupils .
20 The law as to this is best stated in the words of the judgment in Foster v. Mackinnon ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 C.P. 704 , 711 where it is said that a signature obtained by fraud ‘ is invalid not merely on the ground of fraud , where fraud exists , but on the ground that the mind of the signer did not accompany the signature ; in other words , that he never intended to sign , and therefore in contemplation of law never did sign , the contract to which his name is appended . ’
21 The communities which have left archaeological deposits are necessarily ones which have survived in competition with others , yet their capacity to survive depended not merely on the effectiveness of their economies and technology , but also on maintaining standards of excellence .
22 The significance of this technique is that it allows the novelist to incorporate metaphor at the level of what is narrated ( fabula ) , not merely at the level of narration ( sjuzet ) , as is more commonly the case .
23 In the 1980S the west Europeans came to regard the United States and Japan as linked not merely via the alliance portfolios of companies , but via a series of tacit and formal agreements at industry and government level .
24 To add to his triumphs came the peace conference which began in Paris in February 1856 and which ended not merely with the signing of a peace treaty but also coincidentally with the birth of a son on 16 March 1856 .
25 The reformers were not merely considering the desire of actual rape victims to avoid publicity .
26 Napoleon III carried on an active personal diplomacy , not merely without the knowledge of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate , but behind the backs of his own ministers .
27 And these facts go some way to explain the astonishing further fact that the Ultra secret was kept not merely during the War , but for 30 years afterwards — a phenomenon that may well be unparalleled in history !
28 There is only one explanation of what has hitherto been accepted as the basis of the criminal law and that is that there are certain standards of behaviour or moral principles which society requires to be observed , and the breach of them is an offence not merely against the person who is injured but against society as a whole .
29 Taken in conjunction with Cox 's findings , these results are frequently quoted , even in the recent literature , as strong evidence , not merely against the idea that creativity and psychosis are connected , but actually in support of a quite contrary view : that high ability somehow militates against serious mental disorder .
30 Data from readership surveys make it possible to measure cost per thousand readers for most major publications , not merely against the adult population as a whole but against sub-groups of the population .
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