Example sentences of "was [adj] to find a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a sector beset with intellectual arrogance which has a disturbing tendency to under-rate the value of the customer and blame poor audiences on the weaknesses of marketing rather than , as is more likely , on the weaknesses of the artistic offering , it was refreshing to find a company which had used marketing techniques successfully — and which claimed it would continue to do so .
2 In 1940 I was fortunate to find a summer job in the local tomato factory , one of the innumerable similar factories scattered in the Parma province .
3 There were days when it was hard to find a script .
4 I was horrified to find a notice at the bottom of Ben More stating No Dogs Allowed .
5 In time trouble and under severe pressure , Karpov was unable to find a defence as Yusupov 's queen and rooks swarmed into his position .
6 The class of twelve and thirteen year olds were forced to miss lessons because Buckinghamshire Education Committee was unable to find a supply teacher .
7 So brief is the note , and couched in such general terms , that it is difficult to base much upon it , but worth noting are the facts that he clearly saw his choice as lying in the normal way between tedris and kaza , which he calls two paths or careers ; that a signal disadvantage of teaching was that it was unremunerative ; and , not least , that , unable to contemplate either alternative , he was able to find a home for his talents and interests in the bureaucracy .
8 Under this system of economic production , even though a merchant class was able to find a niche for itself by providing loans and commodities for kings , princes and noble landowners , this class was largely excluded from control over the state , which was dominated by increasingly absolutist kings and their royal entourage of lords and nobles .
9 I decided to seek the damage estimate at a dealership other than Brunt and Davies and was pleased to find a choice of three , all close by .
10 They left her to unpack and she was pleased to find a jug of warm water wrapped in a towel on the washstand .
11 I was still trying hard not to rock the boat , not to upset either the FO or WTN , and was desperate to find a way of making uncontroversial remarks sound interesting .
12 ‘ She was desperate to find a chink of light at the end of the dark tunnel she found herself in . ’
13 He was desperate to find a job .
14 Other cars were parked on the lines — it was difficult to find a space ! — but I was the driver he chose .
15 This was not just a polite brush-off , for Steel-Maitland was anxious to find a seat for Hewins ( who was a tariff reform professor of economics who would be a great asset in parliament ) and finally managed to do so .
16 He would read anything , but there were certain books he returned to , that especially influenced his thought : Dr Schäfer , the Stuttgart theatre director , was astonished to find a man from the ballet who was actually familiar with The Golden Bough , and Robert Graves 's The White Goddess was even more important in his work .
17 Tom was surprised to find a lump in his own throat .
18 She was surprised to find a treasure palace of colourful yarns and all types of machines including the newest models .
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