Example sentences of "was [verb] along [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During more than 20 years in the food machinery business , I was a frequent traveller to the USA , and one of the fringe benefits for me was to go along to the tool department of the local Sears Roebuck store .
2 The Soviet Union decided to endorse the expulsion of Escalante : Castro was henceforth referred to as ‘ comrade ’ and Cuba 's place in the Soviet bloc was officially acknowledged when it was listed along with the other ’ socialist' states in the traditional May Day slogans .
3 Mark , 26 , said : ‘ A woman was walking along like a zombie clinging to the little girl , but doing nothing even though the girl was completely engulfed in flames and sobbing .
4 One day , Mildred was walking along in the park it was very , very hot and she was very , very tired !
5 The little man was ambling along in the middle of the street , looking around him with an expression of keen interest .
6 The Youth League — banned for 30 years since 1960 — was legalised along with the ANC , PAC and SACP in February , 1990 .
7 Their style was exceptionally clear and one was carried along in the unfolding of an argument which seemed as majestically inevitable as the development of a Bach fugue .
8 The tailwheel was made to be retractable and a third seat was added along with a gun position .
9 Under these conditions , each of the deletion mutants of RAP74 was assayed along with a stoichiometrical equivalent amount of r30 for their activity of supporting in vitro transcription .
10 In the 1980s Britain was coasting along as the fourth-largest west European R&D spender on space — behind France , Germany and Italy .
11 This hypothesis prompted a series of experiments by Best ( 1975 ) in which a given flavour was established as a conditioned inhibitor ( or a signal for safety ) by an explicit discrimination training procedure in which this flavour was presented along with a previously established CS+ but in the absence of the US .
12 On 1 October 1989 the retirement condition was abolished along with the earnings rule which placed restrictions on what national insurance pensioners could earn .
13 He noticed that she was puffing along with a glass held before her in both hands — he could smell whisky .
14 And it was going along through the woodlands , travelling like the river .
15 And she was saying how well my granddaughter was getting along in the University .
16 A man who nearly died when he was dragged along under a car for a quarter of a mile says he hopes to be leaving hospital soon .
17 Foinavon was plodding along towards the rear , but not that far behind the favourite Honey End , whose jockey Josh Gifford had not been tempted by the furious early pace and who was still running well within himself .
18 The monastery was borne along on a buoyant prosperity which , while it may have contributed to the dissatisfactions and distractions felt by the few , drew most of its members together in a sense of their importance and independence , and hastened the disappearance of earlier divisions .
19 Second the behavioural view of such behaviour was introduced along with the concept that in the context of intervention it is profitable to consider that all behaviour is learned .
20 The younger son was coming along in the distance , taking big strides with the help of an overlong crook .
21 It was pulled along by a rope at the front and when loaded with its full complement of three , required two boys to do the pulling along the pavement .
22 Mr Beyga , 47 , of Queens Drive , Childwall , was arrested along with a 63-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man .
23 He was a bit of a character — he 'd have to get up at about four o'clock in the morning to cycle to work , and during the war , he was hurtling along during a blackout when suddenly the road disappeared and he went careering into a bomb crater , about 50 feet wide and 40 feet deep .
24 For example , on a second camera pass a projector was run along with the Discovery model to project action within the craft , seen at the windows , the windows having been blacked out the first time .
25 A magical , wonderful evening had ended on the highest of notes , Tony thought , as he was swept along towards the doors .
26 As I was swept along by the noisy laughing crowd out into the tropical evening I persistently wanted to know what had happened to the dog .
27 A person who was swept along by the crowd ( in a literal bodily sense ) , or who encountered unexpected barriers when attempting to comply with police conditions , would be able to avail himself of this defence .
28 6–2- " That whilst under the Old Testament Instrumental Music was prescribed as part of the Temple service it was removed along with the other peculiarities of that service , under the new and more spiritual dispensation from which ritualistic and sensuous forms of worship were excluded ; that no Instrumental Music was prescribed or practised by Christ and his Apostles …
29 I observed him warily , waiting for the outburst I felt certain was infusing along with the coffee , but he remained impassive and finished the meal by stoically downing a litre or so of the espresso blend , a large tin box of Amaretti di Saronno and eight grappa .
30 For a while their favourite game was wheeling along in a cart Endill had made until Wednesday crashed into a mound of rusty bicycles and hurt his arm .
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