Example sentences of "is associated with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even though we have just proved the equivalence of the concepts of primeness and of irreducibility in Z we ask the reader to note that in the following theorem the concept of irreducibility is associated with the existence of a decomposition of the asserted kind whereas the property of primeness is used to establish the uniqueness of this decomposition .
2 This finding is in line with the hypothesis that with this fixation the insoluble form of PCNA , which is associated with the DNA replication sites , can be detected .
3 And at this point the axon is stimulated , a depolarization occurs which is associated with the opening of sodium channels , which then close .
4 The asymptotic approach to zero transmission at high frequencies is associated with the capacitance in parallel with the output while the similar behaviour at low frequencies comes about because of the series capacitance between input and output .
5 In Western minds the period is associated with the saga of Antony and Cleopatra , but for ordinary Egyptians at the time , one of the greatest legacies was the introduction of Christianity which came to replace the worship of the river and a panoply of associated gods that had characterised the religious life of the pharaonic age .
6 A Text Block is associated with the link which connects the two nodes .
7 A second general problem is associated with the esteem with which a profession is held by society as a whole and , as far as the public sector is concerned , the attitude towards it of the government of the day .
8 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
9 Right at the top of the colours I have here are is purple , I often wonder whether that is the reason why royalty is asso or purple is associated with the royalty , purple robes etcetera .
10 There is also experimental evidence implicating γ-interferon in the epithelial manifestations of immunologically mediated eneteropathy , while coeliac disease is associated with the presence of increased numbers of activated T lymphocytes .
11 It has been postulated that PLA2 is associated with the pathology of various diseases , such as acute pancreatitis , septic shock , and multiple injuries involving infection , tissue damage , or inflammation .
12 This is partly a consequence of the non-finite or ‘ leaky ’ nature of syntactic systems , which in turn is associated with the relationship between syntax and speaker meaning ( or intention ) .
13 They have identified a new bacteriophage , a viral organism that infects bacteria just as viruses infect human cells , which is associated with the syndrome .
14 public leadership in general is associated with the principle of male dominance , of men over men , of men over women ;
15 With this approach any movement in the direction of a trade deficit is identified as a cost , and conversely a gain is associated with the development of a surplus .
16 The first , and probably most obvious , source of error is associated with the problem of coding those grid cells which contain parts of several different vector polygons each in similar proportions .
17 The first axillary articulates with the anterior notal process and is associated with the base of the subcostal vein .
18 Just as the Spirit was active in breathing life into the first man ( Gen 2:7 ) , so here he is associated with the birth of the last Adam .
19 Care in the community implies the use of statutory resources provided in clients ' own homes ; care by the community is associated with the mobilization of resources from within the community ( voluntary organizations and informal carers such as friends , neighbours and kin ) .
20 In both developed and developing countries , maternal age is associated with the frequency of late fetal deaths , birth defects and abnormal birth weight .
21 Deuterostomes , in contrast ( principally echinoderms and chordates ) generally have radial , indeterminate cleavage , and the blastopore is associated with the position of the adult anus .
22 But there is another , perhaps rather less obvious , reason to avoid candid recording which is associated with the subject 's self-image and is most easily understood by continuing to draw a parallel with photography .
23 ‘ The water is associated with the legend of the shrine , so we have a service at the well each day , ’ said Fr Fellows .
24 As a result , the term function is associated with the idea of useful and good .
25 The first is associated with the state 's need for autonomy from society .
26 Bentham is associated with the maxim of the greatest happiness to the greatest number and would subscribe to the view of maximizing the sum of utility from income .
27 A typical previous result is that successful problem solving is associated with the ability to monitor ones progress through the task , alternating between head-down activity and pauses for broader reflection .
28 The other factor is associated with the context of work and the work environment .
29 Its name is associated with the site of the battle in 1388 when the men of Glarus defeated a greatly superior Austrian army and so regained their independent liberties .
30 The growth of bureaucracy is associated with the growth of legality and the rule of law in contrast to previous administrative arbitrariness .
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