Example sentences of "is bound [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ the rule is that no one is bound to answer any question if the answer thereto would , in the opinion of the judge , have a tendency to expose the deponent to any criminal charge , penalty , or forfeiture which the judge regards as reasonably likely to be preferred or sued for .
2 The disabling symptoms of the allergy , and the restrictions incurred by having to avoid certain allergens , is bound to cause mental suffering .
3 Anyone who likes the Lake District is bound to like this book .
4 ‘ I apprehend that a tribunal which is by law invested with power to affect the property of one of Her Majesty 's subjects , is bound to give such subject an opportunity of being heard before it proceeds : and that that rule is of universal application , and founded upon the plainest principles of justice .
5 ‘ I apprehend that a tribunal which is by law invested with power to affect the property of one of Her Majesty 's subjects , is bound to give such subject an opportunity of being heard before it proceeds : and that that rule is of universal application , and founded upon the plainest principles of justice .
6 The full Moon in Libra on the 10th is bound to shed fresh light on complex situations and enable you to astound those who believe that you are too insecure to compete .
7 Someone is bound to come this way eventually . ’
8 Conversely , because of the universal very steep learning curves with early experience , any novel enterprise is bound to have extensive teething troubles , which should be allowed for in general even though they are not predictable in particular .
9 Any attempt to actually draw the circle is bound to have some kind of imperfection , such as the irregularities if a bit mapped device , or servo non-linearities in an X-Y plotter .
10 First , without doubt the Supplement is a more practical guide , more heavily illustrated , with much more specificity than the general advice proffered by DB32 , a change which is bound to encourage more innovation among the more timid local authorities .
11 Any requirement that may be construed as ‘ compulsory ’ is bound to evoke some rebelliousness .
12 Anyone contributing a single lecture to a series like this — covering a wide spectrum of disciplines and addressed to a general audience — is bound to feel some anxiety and uncertainty about how their contribution will fit into its larger context .
13 That is bound to get some stick !
14 The dealer has also become something of a legend for his expertise in detecting the growing number of Basquiat fakes , an issue that is bound to attract further attention as the first retrospective of Basquiat 's entire career opens at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York this autumn .
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