Example sentences of "is prepared [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It might help in advance to give certain additional information to each of the three groups independently of the others ( see above section on small group work ) : perhaps the Pied Piper is prepared to let the children free if s/he can get a good deal ; perhaps the mayor is unwilling to use any public funds to buy off the Piper .
2 This report is prepared to enable the Woolwich to determine how much to lend .
3 They have found one who is prepared to give the guarantees , who is delivering the detector , the detector that is on offer by er sheer good fortune , i is actually now better than the one which erm the consortium had chosen originally .
4 Manager Ray Hankin , meanwhile , is prepared to give the youngsters a chance in the first team before the end of the season .
5 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
6 But any one of those differences can be very important tactically where one party is prepared to exploit the opportunity .
7 John Scott , prospective Labour candidate for Stockton South : ‘ In a last-ditch attempt to remain in power the Government is prepared to bribe the people of Stockton by borrowing to pay for tax cuts . ’
8 For understandable reasons , neither side is prepared to proclaim the change too loudly : the left hates admitting defeat , while the right does not want to offend too many loyal party members by appearing triumphalist .
9 Unless central government is prepared to support the school more firmly , LSHTM will accelerate into a financial death spiral .
10 ( b ) Where in addition there is a second charge If the former matrimonial home to be conveyed or transferred to the wife is subject to both a first and second charge it may be that whilst the first mortgagee is prepared to release the husband , upon having a direct covenant by the wife , the second mortgagee is not so agreeable .
11 It is for Vendor to take the risk of ‘ intervening events ’ — unless the Vendor is prepared to allow the Purchaser to assume control of the Business at exchange .
12 The Profitboss is prepared to take the consequences of refusal .
13 If Martin is prepared to take the risk , he could be quids in .
14 With the tragedy that is Cyprus today and the role that we have as a guarantor power , will my right hon. Friend confirm that he is prepared to use the framework of the Western European Union to press for an acceptable solution — acceptable to all sides in Cyprus ?
15 I wonder if he could tell us whether he is prepared to amend the legislation in this fashion , and perhaps tell the House exactly what other amendments he needs to make in order to take account of changing circumstances .
16 The EC Insurance Accounts Directive is due to come into effect in 1995 , but , according to Mr Lawrence , the EC is prepared to recognise the accruals method as complying with its format .
17 He is prepared to drop the tax only on bond transactions between foreigners , and even then only if he can replace the lost revenue by introducing a broadly based value-added tax .
18 The SDA 's investment was made in accordance with our normal commercial criteria to help to strengthen the financial and business position of an expanding company , headquartered in Scotland , which is prepared to provide the prospect of continued growth .
19 Well Taylor might pray that he does not lose Gascoigne through injury again , and to the manager 's credit he is prepared to walk the tightrope with him .
20 Mr Stott went on : ‘ Investigative journalism like this has proved that no Minister , however powerful , however rich , however threatening he might be , can come up against a newspaper that is prepared to tell the truth .
21 Villepreux , however , has a long-term contract with Italian club Benetton Treviso and he is unlikely renege on it unless the French Federation is prepared to match the terms of the deal .
22 The capacity will be needed , but the company can not say when , or how often , but it is prepared to pay the operator to keep an airliner ‘ on standby ’ ready for the eventuality .
23 Couples , second in the Sony rankings to Faldo , is still coming to terms with the adulation heaped on him after Augusta but is prepared to run the gauntlet again if it means winning a second Major .
24 The issues of repentance and forgiveness feature here also — Rodolpho , even at the last moment , is prepared to accept the blame for what Eddie has done and offers to kiss his hand , and Beatrice also offers him an earlier chance of redemption by asking him and Catherine to make friends and Catherine agrees — but Eddie refuses .
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