Example sentences of "is left on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If , when you get on , all your weight is left on the back foot , the back of the board will inevitably sink and you will go for a swim — as you step on to the board move the weight forwards quickly .
2 It should be noted that layout A is completed to a more utilitarian standard : a gelcoat finish is left on the inside of the hull and underside of the deck in both forward and after cabins , in place of the strip teak ceiling and foam-backed vinyl in layout B.
3 A paper-thin shell of sound wood is left on the surface of the infected timber which shows deep cracks along the grain but rarely across it as may result from dry rot .
4 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
5 The shortness of the period of time it is left on the road is immaterial ( Holliday v Henry [ 1974 ] RTR 101 ) .
6 DANE AND OUT : Despairing Arsenal defender Lee Dixon is left on the deck as Dane Whitehouse ( centre ) fires Sheffield United ahead
7 Boost : If your hair is particularly dry it will benefit from a deep conditioning treatment , which is left on the hair for up to 30 minutes .
8 It makes the program more difficult to understand and the FOR address is left on the stack .
9 Similarly , the loop or return address is left on the stack if a REPEAT …
10 Litter is left on the slope , much of which is plastic which will never breakdown , but will blow around the mountainside for many years .
11 The call-slip , which is in duplicate , is then transmitted to the shelf where the item is located , and its top copy is left on the shelf , while its second copy accompanies the requested item to the Reading ( or to the South Reading Room via the Reading Room ) .
12 The Flavia is a small tomato , which is left on the vine longer to develop a fuller flavour .
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