Example sentences of "is likely [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you look at what is likely to happen this summer with Les Ferdinand valued at £5m by Queens Park Rangers and Roy Keane expected to cost £4m , that 's £9m for two players .
2 But erm they are built in a such a way that they should cater for the largest vehicle that is likely to use that road .
3 That is likely to save 700 lives and more than 30,000 casualties over the next 30 years .
4 Furthermore , it is likely to take many years of research and practical work on intervention before we will be clear about the implications of this approach for children with language impairments .
5 He adds that the case is likely to take three years to sort out .
6 The reorganisation , which is likely to take seven weeks , will result in the food and drink section taking up 45pc of the floor space at the expense of the textiles section .
7 But equally she is likely to take considerable exception to the arrival of any stranger and in her current mood you would probably end up with mincemeat ( mincefish ? ) .
8 First , although it may not take very long for a trained and experienced therapist to analyse a transcript using LARSP , the procedure itself is relatively technical and is likely to take some time to learn from scratch ( Connolly 1979 ) .
9 Many older people have never had a satisfactory sexual relationship , for a variety of reasons , and if this is so there is no reason to believe that the period of old age is likely to see new beginnings in this respect .
10 These are the cases of which every newspaper reader in the country is likely to see some mention .
11 It also means that a care assistant is likely to see frailer residents than used to be the case .
12 Even if we are being too pessimistic , the loss of policy credibility implied by the pound 's departure from the ERM is likely to see longer rates raised in line with increased currency and inflation risk premia .
13 The first major legal challenge over community care assessments is likely to emerge next month when a 22-year-old man with learning difficulties goes to the High Court .
14 News that an investor has bought a significant stake in any company is likely to lift that company 's share price .
15 This means that at 300 K polyisoprene is likely to exhibit rubber-like behaviour and be useful as an elastomer , whereas poly ( methyl methacrylate ) will be a glassy material .
16 European Venture Capital is likely to exhibit fast growth over the next decade , and UK venture capitalists have the expertise to be very powerful competitors ( see Chapter 13 ) .
17 THE cost of food in the average shopping trolley is likely to rocket next year , Northern Foods reported yesterday .
18 THE latest statistics show that a man retiring in Edinburgh is likely to live four years longer than his counterpart in Glasgow , it was stated yesterday .
19 However , none of them is likely to affect those workers who fall outside of collective agreements ; the contract workers and the many women who work for small manufacturing or service sector employers .
20 The new climate in Xianjiang Province in northwest China is likely to turn large areas of steppe into desert .
21 we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done .
22 ‘ even in these days when affrays , riotous behaviour and other disturbances happen ill too frequently , we can not accept that there can be a breach of the peace unless there has been an act done or threatened to be done which either actually harms a person , or in his presence his property , or is likely to cause such harm , or which puts someone in fear of such harm being done . ’
23 So a week in which the former partner misses his child support payment is likely to cause substantial problems ; likewise the period while benefits are being assessed or re-assessed .
24 Nevertheless , it should be clear from these few facts that the financing of the social services is likely to cause political controversy .
25 Change in the 1990s must also be envisaged within the wider context of an integrated and more open European Market , which is likely to cause all manner of stresses and strains to British society and economy .
26 However , new colonists in Gran Pajonal are employing a fallow period of only 7 years , which is likely to cause long-term nutrient depletion so that maintenance of crop productivity will only be possible with the addition of artificial fertilisers .
27 Harbourmaster Bill Broadbent said : ‘ In the short term , construction is likely to cause some inconvenience in the Albert Dock .
28 The publication of the tape is likely to cause further concern to Diana who has already told friends that she believed that at least some of her private calls were being monitored and recorded .
29 The scientists say that the presence of warships in the region is likely to cause more deaths among whales and dolphins than the oil slick .
30 ‘ The organisation manager ’ has moderate concern for both people and production ; he/she is likely to stress high concern for ethos but , under pressure , is more likely to opt for a production orientation .
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