Example sentences of "is looking for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 JULIO ANGUITA , the leader of the Spanish Communist Party , is looking for the thief in Madrid who smashed his windscreen and broke into his car for the third time .
2 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
3 Here we are told for the first time such details as that the Moreens are American , that they require a resident tutor for their sickly child , and that Pemberton is looking for the tutor 's job ; or rather , we are not told , but are led to infer these facts , for James avoids a direct statement of them .
4 The Commerce Department is looking for the book market to expand markedly up to 1997 , achieving average annual growth rated of 3.5% in constant dollars throughout the period .
5 ANIMAL lover Ray Mackinlay is looking for the owner of a lovable blind dog found wandering the streets of Darlington .
6 Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct .
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