Example sentences of "is a form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To pose the question is a form of anachronism .
2 It is a form of law superior to other laws — because ( i ) it originates in an authority higher than the legislature which makes ordinary law and ( ii ) the authority of the legislature derives from it and is thus bound by it .
3 The crime which justifies lynching him is a form of treason , not racial inferiority .
4 This is a form of jetty ?
5 Just a form of jetty just a grating which is a form of jetty and we put a a derrick up on the end of it .
6 Jazz is a form of music that came out of a social evolution in black history , and so is rap .
7 ‘ But that is a form of wickedness , is n't it ? ’
8 Could not the theist argue that faith in God is a form of trust like that which , in Mitchell ‘ s parable , is placed in the stranger by the partisan ?
9 There is a form of progress — not moral , but at least in complexity — from the inanimate to the animate , from plant to animal , from animal to human .
10 Note , too , that because there was no free oxygen gas , there would have been no ozone layer — because ozone is a form of oxygen .
11 The alternative meanings and the linguistic creativity our culture represses can not be suppressed altogether ; and if feminists choose to uncover these submerged elements of language , that is a form of resistance to the status quo .
12 It 's , it , it is a form of accountability of universities to the public really .
13 As a result , there is a form of multiplier effect translating initially what are small shifts in demand , or anticipated demand , into large changes in output and investment .
14 The novel is a form of narrative .
15 A fierce aunt shocked me by telling me shyness is a form of rudeness and selfishness , and that I had to be the first to talk to two people .
16 The Conservation Laboratory of the British Library National Sound Archive is undertaking research on these lines at the moment , and the strongest candidate is a form of computer WORM disk ( Write Once , Read Many times ) .
17 As this is a form of trespass the injury must be direct rather than consequential .
18 Recognise that this is a form of self-importance — that everyone is perfect just as they are .
19 Some feminists also idealize symbol systems , as arenas of unproblematic female community : ‘ laughter is a form of communication which is understood by both of us ’ , Hobson , a middle-class researcher , writes , of her interview with a working-class housewife ( 1981 : 82 ) .
20 Silence itself is a form of communication , and the many ways in which human beings can send ‘ messages ’ by way of gesture , facial expressions , and non-linguistic sounds ( the deep sigh much favoured by the late British comedian , Tony Hancock , is a good example ) have been well documented .
21 Clearly , advertising is a form of communication to the consumer about a product .
22 If the modern novel is a form of communication , then paradoxically what it often communicates is the difficulty or impossibility of communication .
23 It would appear that for Gandhi prayer is a form of meditation , which has as its aim self-purification and knowledge of the Truth .
24 By contrast , the National Development Group implies a different kind of development work in its emphasis on " joint working in the actual delivery of services Clearly , service coordination of this kind is a form of service development in the absence of coordinated services .
25 For example ‘ brain washing ’ is a form of attitude training which attempts to change the beliefs and values acquired within a particular culture ( Biderman , 1967 ) .
26 Translation is a form of hack work among East European intellectuals .
27 This brain itself , however , is a form of adaptation which has allowed human beings to become the dominant species .
28 This thirst is a form of enthusiasm and implies a desire to discover all secrets , to become immersed in all things , and never to stop learning .
29 It is a form of cooking which uses all the senses — listening to the sizzling fat to tell when chicken is fried just right , smelling to detect the moment a cake is baked to perfection .
30 In a sense morality for him is an extension of ahi sā and ahi sā is a form of morality .
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