Example sentences of "is concerned with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although nature is infinitely diverse and the techniques and approaches used for its study are widely varied , a most obvious feature of science seems to be that it is concerned with the dismantling of superfluous structure , and the description of nature 's many facets in the simplest possible terms .
2 An ongoing project is concerned with the assessment of mineral deposits such as building materials and industrial minerals for local use ( which are of little interest to international mining companies ) , and the development of techniques for beneficiating minerals from such deposits .
3 Production management , in particular , is concerned with the provision of goods .
4 This fund is concerned with the provision and maintenance of the stock of houses owned by the authority and rented out to tenants .
5 The capital market is concerned with the provision of long-term finance for both private and public sectors ( primary market activity ) , as well as the trading of existing bonds and equities ( secondary market activity ) .
6 This study , based in the Greater Manchester area , is concerned with the provision of social support in the health , social and voluntary services .
7 Like Gatrell and Vincent and Shepherd before him , he is concerned with the lack of detailed geographical information particularly in this case with reference to the years between censuses .
8 1 Education and communities is concerned with the evolution of multi-cultural society , looking at the structure and responses of communities , the effects of legislation on them , and conflicts within the education system .
9 The former is concerned with the government and status of the boroughs , and their relations with the Crown and the units of local government within which they existed , the latter with the structure of society within them and their changing economic fortunes .
10 The study is concerned with the work motivation and work performance of managers in a shrinking organisational environment .
11 Appeal is concerned with the merits of the decision being appealed , while judicial review is concerned with the legality of the process by which that decision was reached .
12 ( 1 ) The section differs from the previous section in that it is concerned with the suitability of the premises and not with the fitness of the licence-holder or the orderliness of persons frequenting the premises .
13 The spiritual area is concerned with the awareness a person has of those elements in existence and experience which may be defined in terms of inner feelings and beliefs ; they affect the way people see themselves and throw light for them on the purpose and meaning of life itself .
14 Chemistry is concerned with the composition , structure and transformations of matter .
15 Such research is concerned with the identification and explanation of developmental stages in the language acquisition process , with the determinants of natural learning .
16 The systems approach focuses on the organisation as a whole and is concerned with the performance of the organisation and not on the specific requirements of any one department or application .
17 However , since much of the research which we want to discuss in the following section is concerned with the formulation of sentences , we will use this term in order to avoid confusion .
18 Most people who notice it at parties are too polite to ask what it is and why I am wearing it , but to the few who do I say ( because I find it embarrassing to explain ) that it is concerned with the story of the sinking of the Bismarck ; and then relish the look of puzzlement on their faces .
19 ' Stratum mobility' is concerned with the narrowing of income differentials among occupational groups .
20 The second stage is concerned with the content of prototypes .
21 Section 433 is concerned with the admissibility in evidence of a special class of document derived from insolvency in , as the section provides ‘ any proceedings ’ ( whether or not under the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Theft Act 1968 ) .
22 Er narcissism and narcissism , narcissistic libido is , is , is that part of libido which is concerned with the ego and it is this aspect of the libido especially which is involved in a group , because as I think erm somebody said over here when developing this point , this leads to for example a group narcissism .
23 The UK memo claims to assess the ‘ scientific basis ’ of the Commission 's proposals and notes haughtily , ‘ There seems to be an underlying assumption that the nitrate problem is concerned with the quantity of fertiliser and manure applied , whereas studies in this country , and elsewhere , have established that the problem is much more complicated than this , reflecting , for example , other aspects of farming practices . ’
24 The knowledge gained is concerned with the history of the development of the built environment and , as in other disciplines , the resulting insights contribute both to a critical understanding of the present day , and to the formulation of strategies for future development .
25 Sunlight and heat are two kinds of electromagnetic energy and remote sensing is concerned with the interaction between electromagnetic energy and Earth surface materials such as vegetable matter , water , soil and rock .
26 The Criminal Justice Act 1972 provides for the Attorney-General to be able to refer a case to the Court of Appeal when he or she is concerned with the law applied by the Crown Court .
27 Summative evaluation is concerned with the evaluation of the educational programme as a final product .
28 In part this is concerned with the omission of key features of reality , such as uncertainty , the role of expectations , and market imperfections , which have been discussed to some extent in earlier Lectures .
29 Very broadly this speciality is concerned with the treatment of acute episodes of illness , the management of long-term health problems and with those who are admitted to long-stay beds in hospitals .
30 Article 86 is concerned with the behaviour of dominant firm or near monopoly situations and bans the abuse of a dominant position , where it affects trade between member states through the imposition of " unfair " trading conditions .
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