Example sentences of "is likely [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But equally she is likely to take considerable exception to the arrival of any stranger and in her current mood you would probably end up with mincemeat ( mincefish ? ) .
2 Many older people have never had a satisfactory sexual relationship , for a variety of reasons , and if this is so there is no reason to believe that the period of old age is likely to see new beginnings in this respect .
3 This means that at 300 K polyisoprene is likely to exhibit rubber-like behaviour and be useful as an elastomer , whereas poly ( methyl methacrylate ) will be a glassy material .
4 European Venture Capital is likely to exhibit fast growth over the next decade , and UK venture capitalists have the expertise to be very powerful competitors ( see Chapter 13 ) .
5 The new climate in Xianjiang Province in northwest China is likely to turn large areas of steppe into desert .
6 So a week in which the former partner misses his child support payment is likely to cause substantial problems ; likewise the period while benefits are being assessed or re-assessed .
7 Nevertheless , it should be clear from these few facts that the financing of the social services is likely to cause political controversy .
8 However , new colonists in Gran Pajonal are employing a fallow period of only 7 years , which is likely to cause long-term nutrient depletion so that maintenance of crop productivity will only be possible with the addition of artificial fertilisers .
9 ‘ The organisation manager ’ has moderate concern for both people and production ; he/she is likely to stress high concern for ethos but , under pressure , is more likely to opt for a production orientation .
10 The " pick-a-landlord " scheme is likely to pose considerable problems for dementia sufferers and those advising them .
11 For example , the modelling of the corporate sector , particularly allowing for imperfect competition , is likely to pose formidable problems .
12 The scheme is likely to generate extra traffic so the building work was coordinated with the council and the new King 's Langley bypass opened the day before the store .
13 Each of these three relationships is likely to generate competitive mailings for credit products .
14 Unless stopped at once it is likely to upset friendly relations existing between Australia and England .
15 This is likely to facilitate subsequent decision-making and can provide useful material for discussion at the next session .
16 Sequential attention to goals allows organizations to resolve conflicts : ‘ Just as a political organization is likely to resolve conflicting pressures to ‘ go left ’ and ‘ go right ’ by first doing one and then the other , the business firm is likely to resolve conflicting pressures to ‘ smooth production ’ and ‘ satisfy consumers ’ by first doing one and then the other' ( Cyert and March , 1963 , p. 118 ) .
17 Sequential attention to goals allows organizations to resolve conflicts : ‘ Just as a political organization is likely to resolve conflicting pressures to ‘ go left ’ and ‘ go right ’ by first doing one and then the other , the business firm is likely to resolve conflicting pressures to ‘ smooth production ’ and ‘ satisfy consumers ’ by first doing one and then the other' ( Cyert and March , 1963 , p. 118 ) .
18 Such terminal sterilization , common among all social classes , is likely to depress high parity births still further , although its relative irreversibility is already causing problems for remarrying couples .
19 The observation that despite increased stool frequency , stool weight was not greater in the patients is likely to reflect dietary changes , which inevitably occur in patients with a long history of diarrhoea .
20 USL is currently looking at the commercial requirements for productising ANDF in a future iteration of Unix SVR4 , which is likely to include bundled installers .
21 Future economic restructuring is likely to include public spending cuts which may also limit further educational expansion .
22 If land is likely to lie fallow overwinter — say from September to March — then sow the seed of any quick growing plants that will produce a large amount of foliage .
23 The patient will also require supportive therapy , and his family is likely to need considerable help in understanding the illness and coming to terms with it .
24 For this reason , it would not be appropriate to discourage technological progress on the grounds that it is likely to increase structural unemployment .
25 At the moment Jacques Chirac 's RPR is favourite to win most seats and former finance minister Balladur is likely to become prime minister .
26 The first relates to providing for any children of the marriage and the second allows for a temporary income to be given to either partner who is likely to suffer immediate hardship — this support may last for up to three years .
27 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this section , a child who is being looked after by a local authority may not be placed , and , if placed , may not be kept , in accommodation provided for the purpose of restricting liberty ( ‘ secure accommodation ’ ) unless it appears — ( a ) that — ( i ) he has a history of absconding and is likely to abscond from any other description of accommodation ; and ( ii ) if he absconds , he is likely to suffer significant harm ; or ( b ) that if he is kept in any other description of accommodation he is likely to injure himself or other persons .
28 Such an application can only be made with the leave of the court , and the court may only grant leave if it is satisfied , inter alia , that ‘ there is reasonable cause to believe that if the court 's inherent jurisdiction is not exercised with respect to the child he is likely to suffer significant harm : ’ see section 100(3) and ( 4 ) ( b ) .
29 A court can only make a care or supervision order if satisfied : ( a ) that the child concerned is suffering , or is likely to suffer significant harm ; and ( b ) that the harm , or likelihood of harm is attributable to : ( i ) the care given to the child , or likely to be given to him if the order were not made , not being what it would be reasonable to expect a parent to give to him ; or ( ii ) the child being beyond parental control ( s31 ) .
30 The applicant must simply show that the parent is unable to exercise appropriate control and that the child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm for this reason .
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