Example sentences of "is [adv] thought [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thorold Mackie , a small companies ' analyst who is highly thought of in the city 's financial circles , has been charged with obtaining and misusing price-sensitive information relating to a profits warning by Glasgow-based Shanks & McEwan .
2 is generally thought of as the all-purpose cheese , for cooking and eating .
3 The notion that language development is best thought of as part of a process for regulating joint activities , rather than as a subject , has profound implications for helping children with language difficulties .
4 Excavation is best thought of as a postmortem examination of an archaeological site , and involves a detailed dissection of a site in order to gain as much information as possible .
5 Assistance by way of representation ( ABWOR ) is best thought of as a simple and easily administered type of civil legal aid for particular types of litigation .
6 Shakespearan drama is usually thought of as the embodiment of a truly popular art , whatever ‘ bourgeois ’ or aristocratic dimensions it also possesses .
7 Likewise , the single transferable vote system normally operates , and is usually thought of as operating , in multi-member constituencies .
8 Asthma is usually thought of as a disease of young people , yet most of the patients had been aged over 55 at the time of death , a significant number being elderly ( figure ) .
9 But Britain , which is usually thought of as a democracy , especially by the British , does not meet even that criterion .
10 Work is usually thought of as paid employment outside the home , but purposeful work inside the home , providing domestic , physical and emotional comforts for others , can be equally rewarding .
11 significant — this is usually thought of as a slightly more rigorous test than material .
12 This is not just a matter of what is traditionally thought of as ‘ social policy ’ .
13 As all this implies , metre in Cureton 's definition is an implacably regular pulse ; what is traditionally thought of as " metrical variation " is not in fact variation of the metre .
14 In fact Dorothy tells us more about the sunset and the landscape than William — and yet he is traditionally thought of in association with such moments of natural grandeur .
15 Because of his death , aged just forty-two , he is also thought of as a tragic figure , a man who was unable to fulfil the important public service to his people that seemed to be his destiny .
16 To do this will involve discussion of concepts which you may not immediately associate with volcanoes : the fact that Africa and South America were once joined and later drifted apart ; that the direction which is customarily thought of as ‘ north ’ would , a few million years ago , have appeared to be ‘ south ’ on an ordinary magnetic compass .
17 Although the English landscape park is often thought of as a creation of the eighteenth century , by William Kent , Capability Brown and Humphry Repton , many country house parks are much older in origin , and in numerous instances are marked on Elizabethan
18 The period of cohabitation is often thought of as a trial marriage .
19 The House of Commons , particularly , but also the House of Lords , is often thought of as a club and the exchange of views and striking of bargains which goes on outside the chamber can be and frequently is of much greater significance than the public posturing which goes on within it .
20 Given that science is often thought of as a laboratory-based activity , rather than as a " bookish " subject , it is interesting to note that in three of the four schools , science departments had pioneered activities to develop basic library and information retrieval skills as part of their lower-school curriculum .
21 This period is often thought of as a failure in British politics , of failure to cope with the rise of Hitler and Mussolini abroad and a failure to deal with unemployment at home .
22 Party membership is often thought of as a static phenomenon .
23 Vocational education is often thought of as the acquisition of knowledge and skills directly applicable to the job ; but in most posts what is required is not so much the acquisition of a skill as progressive development in the fields of human relations , of judgment , and of general educational standards .
24 Reflection is often thought of as a backward looking process .
25 Mak says the Chinese population is often thought of as a ‘ silent community ’ which looks after its own .
26 The influence of Darwinian theory on Victorian social thought is often thought of in terms of ‘ the survival of the fittest ’ and the notions of struggle and competition which became known as ‘ Social Darwinism ’ .
27 For many endoscopists , the squamous columnar junction is considered as the representative of the oesophagogastric junction and the segment distal to it is frequently thought of as a ‘ hiatal hernia ’ , because of the presence of gastric mucosa .
28 Judgment is frequently thought of in a retributive and future context .
29 As sport is popularly thought of as a leisure time distraction rather than a central life interest or a possible career , it would have held only a marginal interest to the first generation .
30 Which means the kind of film that is not financed by the major American companies and is sometimes thought of as art rather than commerce .
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