Example sentences of "is [adj] to say that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 … At the same time it is right to say that in her evidence … she repudiates the notion that any influence was exerted or any pressure put upon her , or that her husband made any misrepresentation to her .
2 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
3 Precisely when this occurred can seldom be determined on any estates , because there are few series of complete manorial records , but it is safe to say that by the early fifteenth century the change had taken place widely on both lay and ecclesiastical lands , the latter being better documented over different parts of the country .
4 There are exceptions and it is fair to say that over recent years a good deal more attention has been paid to these problems .
5 However , it is fair to say that at local education authority level there is more evidence of its impact on change .
6 It is fair to say that during the day and a half of discussions in June 1993 alarm was expressed at the difficulties posed by the future of the historian 's resource .
7 However , it is fair to say that despite these distinctive efforts , and one reason why such people are now regarded as classical contributors , for most within the early social survey tradition the divide seemed unbridgeable or irrelevant .
8 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
9 It is fair to say that in the last instance , it will not actually produce a design with the colours separated out into their appropriate rows , but will make a card design showing the colours so that punching a card from this is made easier .
10 I think it is fair to say that in practical terms you are likely to get substantial life out of the tool before the original battery is spent , perhaps several years .
11 it is fair to say that in the case of er in the case of Alwyn , erm because of the special circumstances where we did n't actually use a clerk of works ever on that job
12 It is fair to say that by the time of the establishment of OEEC progress in Benelux had more or less ground to a halt .
13 It is sufficient to say that in broad definition the former term applies to the language used up to the twelfth century , and the latter that given to the language between the twelfth and the fifteenth , when Modern English started to emerge .
14 ‘ It is sufficient to say that in Maskell v. Horner Lord Reading C.J. , referring to these authorities , and in particular to the advice given by Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton — where that learned judge said that he had ‘ always understood that when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received ’ — said that ‘ such claims made in this form of action are treated as matters of ordinary practice and beyond discussion . ’
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