Example sentences of "is [adj] ensure that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Often the relevant population is stratified to ensure that the sample will be more representative in certain respects .
2 The educational supervisor is supposed to ensure that the house officer is not ‘ overwhelmed by clinical commitments , overburdened by responsibilities inappropriate to the experience acquired , or undertaking an excessive on-call commitment . ’
3 The first is that it is hard to ensure that the industry really does minimize costs .
4 However , this effect may not last , and long-term follow-up is useful to ensure that the patient does not lapse into those unhealthy ways which made him unwell in the first place .
5 For reasons such as this it is important to ensure that the ‘ final edition ’ of the interview schedule has been adequately gone over and tried out before it is used in the full-scale field survey .
6 Also , before deciding to embark on a relocation exercise , it is important to ensure that the proposed timing is appropriate .
7 Before recording any detailed information on the lesson , it is important to ensure that the classroom atmosphere is such that the material and the teaching it supports are getting reasonable attention from the class .
8 It is important to ensure that the packaging of irradiated diets is intact and the contents are therefore sterile before use .
9 It is important to ensure that the boxes or other containers conform to the requirements of the shipping agent ( e.g. IATA regulations for air and British Rail regulations ) .
10 Liaison with the marketing department is important to ensure that the productive effort is meeting the customer 's needs , or , where there are difficulties in production , ensuring that the customer is informed and/or is prepared to accept a slightly different standard or quality of product , for example .
11 The production of a house journal is common in most large organisations , but it is important to ensure that the style and tone of the journal is apt .
12 It is important to ensure that the negotiations take account of the whole Community and not simply the northern products that have been put on the table first .
13 It is important to ensure that the reserve forces reach the highest possible standards , and I shall certainly concentrate on that .
14 It is important to ensure that the trustees of the four galleries have the powers to underpin that future .
15 Once you have assessed this DC , your decision can not be changed , so it is important to ensure that the consequences of the decision have been adequately considered .
16 Once you have assessed this DC , your decision can not be changed , so it is important to ensure that the consequences of the decision have been adequately considered .
17 Once it has been aborted , no further development versions of the referenced modules can be entered into LIFESPAN via the DC , so it is important to ensure that the correct DC is specified .
18 As a matter of drafting it is important to ensure that the grounds are treated as separate so that any one of which may be taken by the remaining partners as justifying the service of an expulsion notice .
19 When acting for management , it is important to ensure that the ratchet is not entirely geared to the vagaries of the stock market in the event of a flotation , but also reflects the profitability of the company .
20 If the bank mortgage form does not set out the precise amount of the home loan and the terms under which it is to be repaid , then it is important to ensure that the client receives a letter from the bank manager spelling out in precise terms the nature of the loan , the interest rate applicable to it and the regularity of the instalment payments .
21 if you wish to use NOT to reverse the action of an IF statement it is important to ensure that the testable condition does actually evaluate to -1 for TRUE .
22 It is with these shares that one is concerned to ensure that the Schedule E charge can not be triggered .
23 The resilience of the investor is critical to ensure that the deal will not disappoint people on both sides of the bargain .
24 It is essential to ensure that every storage position has been initialized , or at least to remove any data remaining from previous uses of the device .
25 In demonstrations of searches , it is essential to ensure that the audience can actually see the search being carried out — all too often one sees a large group of students clustered round a single teletype terminal .
26 In these circumstances it is essential to ensure that the foster mother has finished giving birth and that all her natural young are removed .
27 If the individual is to receive a seamless service , effective co-operation at local level is essential to ensure that the frail and vulnerable receive help from suitable services and health authorities , with the assistance of housing authorities .
28 It is essential to ensure that the risks to be covered by the insurance policy are sufficient to cover the main eventualities .
29 ( c ) Use It is vital to ensure that the use that the buyer intends is authorised for planning purposes .
30 Alternatively , if in exercise of their supervisory duty under s.9(1) the disposal authority form the opinion that modification of the licence conditions is necessary to ensure that the disposal operation does not cause pollution to water or danger to public health , or become seriously detrimental to the amenities of the locality then s.7(1) ( b ) imposes a further duty on them , i.e. the disposal authority SHALL serve a notice on the company modifying the conditions .
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