Example sentences of "is [verb] to a particular " in BNC.

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1 Section 11(2) states : [ i ] t is immaterial … that the public access to a building is limited to a particular period or particular occasion , but where anything removed from a building or its grounds is there otherwise than as forming part of , or being on loan for exhibition with , a collection intended for permanent exhibition to the public , the person removing it does not thereby commit an offence under this section unless he removes it on a day when the public have access to the building as mentioned in sub-section ( 1 ) above .
2 It can also be asked whether the influence of a factor is confined to a particular ‘ sensitive period ’ .
3 Since there appear to be no consequences in judicial practice if the label constitutional is applied to a particular law , it is in the end no more than a convenient way for textbook writers to organise their material , just as they produce books on industrial law or commercial law .
4 For all but a few types the LOB corpus alone is too small a source from which to reliably derive information about how likely a word is to belong to a particular grammatical category ( many words in the LOB occur just once ) .
5 In a tribal village , in Africa say , a boy is born to a particular woman who , obeying the customs of her people , proceeds to rear him either under conditions of high sociability or relative isolation and according to a particular regime of toilet training and weaning .
6 Of the mammalian orders , the insectivores , the ungulates , the Cetacea , the carnivores , and others , each comprises an array of forms of which every one is adapted to a particular habitat with a mode of life enabling it to live and reproduce there .
7 If the right of way is in terms a right to use it with vehicles it will be difficult , in the absence of express words , to show that it is restricted to a particular type or size of vehicle ( ibid ) .
8 The DBMS allocates space on disk and a record is allocated to a particular slot via a randomising ( or hashing ) algorithm which is designed to use the allocated space efficiently .
9 Again , from our vantage point , we know that each is suited to a particular kind of flight and life style ; but let us ignore that fact , and continue with the primitive analysis .
10 Each is tuned to a particular processor and configuration , covering generic PCs through 286 and 386 based systems , with variations on the methods of EMS and XMS memory access .
11 You see , I think a mag such as this which is dedicated to a particular subject should carry some article which would help readers learn more about the technical aspects of guitars as well .
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