Example sentences of "it provided a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It provided a genuine incentive for the worker to intensify his labour and thus raise his productivity , a guarantee against slacking , an automatic device for reducing the wage-bill in times of depression , as well as a convenient method — by the cutting of piece-rates — to reduce labour costs and to prevent wages from rising higher than was thought necessary or proper .
2 Up to this point the only political significance of racism had been that it provided a divided work force for employers .
3 The transitive verb meant ‘ to make suitable ’ and when translated into human terms this indicated a solution to a number of perceived difficulties in the juvenile labour-market : at the very least it offered a safeguard against redundancy through technological change ; it provided a necessary companion for ‘ intelligence ’ , one of the qualities demanded by ‘ modern ’ industrial conditions ; and it seemed to imply a degree of social contentment , integration , and stability , which were important , if only in so far as they could serve as protection against the ravages of unemployment and , in extreme cases , unemployability .
4 In a way , he was able to vent his frustrations in his boxing and his sport became like a cathartic experience ; it provided a perfect outlet for his aggression .
5 Although requiring constant attention to water management , it provided a geographical base for the infant kingdom superior to that offered by the bleak , intermontane valleys inland , across the high limestone ranges of the Velebit mountains .
6 I believe it provided a turning point .
7 Few communities adopted it in toto , but it provided a useful source of material , even if those responsible for it fell into the common trap of producing texts which were not necessarily Appropriate for musical setting .
8 It provided a new slant on his character .
9 Lasswells model was speedily recognised to be flawed — it assumed that the communicator had the intention of influencing the receiver and made no allowance for a feedback element in the communication process — but it provided a new method for the study of communication and was the stimulus for further analysis .
10 In the textile industry a number of technical inventions produced an increase in output ; a way had been found of using coal , in the form of coke , to smelt iron ; and the steam engine was so improved that it provided a new source of power .
11 This discovery gave fresh impetus to research aimed at developing new drugs which , like aspirin , would relieve pain and control inflammation , and also it provided a new basis for testing candidate compounds .
12 When Quest for Fame won the Derby and Sanglemore won the French Derby , it provided a first season trainer with a rare double , who was that trainer ?
13 When Quest for Fame won the Derby and Sanglemore won the French Derby , it provided a first season trainer with a rare double , who was the trainer ?
14 Nick , let's put to you the three questions ; when Quest for Fame won the Derby and Sanglemore won the French Derby , it provided a first season trainer with a rare double — who was that trainer ?
15 However , the Law Commission recommend the retention of strict liability for this type of harm on the ground that it provided a simple method of allocating liability for what were usually comparatively small damages .
16 But at least it provided a possible explanation for the delay in charging Sykes .
17 Uniformitarianism triumphed because it provided a general theory that was at once logical and seemingly " scientific " .
18 It provided a subtle bridge to the promised land of successful survival : not overtly trumpeting the triumphant rebirth of conspicuous consumption , but nevertheless easing in an almost unconscious separation from raging youth .
19 The sale to the public of 50 per cent of British Telecom ( BT ) in December 1984 was , at the time , the largest privatisation issue and it provided a major spur to the whole programme .
20 It led to a vast improvement for everybody in Baldersdale because it provided a regular income .
21 Perhaps the most important document on higher education in the postwar period , it provided a detailed blueprint for the development of higher education into the early 1980s .
22 Peter thought it best to start with the diary because it provided a chronological framework .
23 Adorno , says Susan Buck-Morss , argued that " aesthetic experience was in fact the more adequate form of cognition because in it subject and object , idea and nature , reason and sensual experience were interrelated without either pole getting the upper hand in short , it provided a structural model for " dialectical " , " materialist " cognition " .
24 Secondly , it provided a common vocabulary for describing a variety of complex systems .
25 It was the longest operational tour flown by RAAF aircrews but it served as a classroom as it provided a huge fount of experience amongst crews that , in effect , provided a base for future RAAF units operating in South East Asia in the 1960 and 1970s .
26 It provided a discordant note , for example , in the Pop Art exhibition organised by Norman Rosenthal for the Royal Academy and widely seen in other countries .
27 It provided a fitting accompaniment to the voice of the headmaster .
28 It provided a national minimum , not an allocation of relief on the basis of need .
29 It was an historic statute since for the first time it provided a statutory power for the banning of marches and processions of protest and demonstration .
30 For others it provided a safe environment in which they could recognise the insecurities that were messing up their lives .
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