Example sentences of "it difficult [to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When petrological thin-sectioning ( see glossary ) is carried out , many separate items of data may be collected from each artefact studied , making it difficult to see those groupings of artefacts that have features in common .
2 The only thing in the way is the fact that all nuclei are electrically charged and ‘ like charges repel ’ : this repulsion makes it difficult to force those nuclei together .
3 When King Gustav VI Adolph of Sweden turned his attention to objects made of this material in building his collection of Chinese art there were those who found it difficult to reconcile such pieces with his choice porcelains , jades and lacquer-work .
4 When your most familiar role models are those of a compliant woman or the ‘ strong , silent type ’ of man you may find it difficult to reconcile these influences with the aggressive determination you feel as a female , or the sensitivity and intuition you experience as a man .
5 Many found it difficult to give accurate figures as the livestock year dictated two very definite peak work periods .
6 She says he has no concentration now , he finds it difficult to remember simple things .
7 It is difficult for them to be drawn accurately and the human eye finds it difficult to detect small differences — in our example the slices representing 12% and 13% of the total .
8 The increase in mean ozone concentration with latitude and the existence of seasonal cycles in ozone levels make it difficult to detect any trends in global ozone concentration .
9 At Ruskington the inadequacies of the data make it difficult to draw firm conclusions , although there appears to be a smaller proportion of graves with amber than at Sleaford .
10 Such LDCs subsequently found it difficult to service external debts and this had grave implications for the world 's financial system .
11 Sometimes we can find it difficult to visualise positive outcomes ; if this is the case I suggest you refer to Chapter Three , which explains that all qualities can be given an opposite , more positive , interpretation .
12 They often found it difficult to resist these demands .
13 This means in turn that lawyers trained in the civil law tradition find it difficult to characterise certain features of common law pre-trial procedures .
14 The keyboard duet had only recently become a viable medium , since the restricted compass of earlier instruments made it difficult to seat two players at one keyboard .
15 There is no shortage of theorizing , of course , but the complexity of human society , the intangibility of cause and effect , make it difficult to test major theories in rigorous conditions or to overturn a consensus view once one has become established .
16 These limitations affected the size of the sample and also made it difficult to employ such procedures as the multiple judging of rating scales .
17 EMU must , he said , be based on economic and financial convergence among member states , particularly as regards anti-inflation policies and contractually enforced budgetary discipline , and he warned that countries with high inflation rates might find it difficult to become full members of EMU .
18 If , after reading the advice in Chapter 9 , you decide to keep to a very strict calorie intake of just 850 to 1,000 calories daily , you will find it very difficult to achieve the upper levels of the fibre recommendation and might even find it difficult to consume 35 grams of fibre daily .
19 Even at the height of its propagandist messages , the Staufen chancery found it difficult to counteract papal arguments , for they were conducted on a supernal plane .
20 The particular avant-garde perspective of their critique ( as of Greenberg 's ) makes it difficult to avoid first impressions of a conflation in their work of ‘ genuine art ’ with ‘ elite art ’ .
21 That conception makes it difficult to address sharp upheavals in the international system that occur in many periods of structural change , the rivalry between different countries that occurs in international trade and finance , or the impact that a country 's internal conditions ( such as the structure of its unions and management ) have on its international position .
22 First , those items which make it difficult to recognise specific abilities in a child will be of less value than those which provide descriptions that can easily be applied .
23 In some areas , ignorance and taboos make it difficult to introduce new customs .
24 In particular , traditional descriptive and analytic methods find it difficult to contemplate such phenomena as : ( 1 ) close approximation of phones without merger ; ( 2 ) overlapping allophones ; ( 3 ) flip-flops , and ( 4 ) reversal of merger .
25 The technique has enabled spectra to be obtained from the metallic cores of some important biological molecules such as hemoglobin and some enzymes , where the low concentration of the metal and the low solubility of the substance itself make it difficult to study vibrational spectra in any other way .
26 The DIY horse owner may well find it difficult to get good facilities and will have to use more concentrates and/or good quality hay to compensate .
27 ‘ I found it difficult to get perfect results with the spiral and flat wands .
28 Although ANTA 's new location can make it difficult to get raw materials in and finished product out , the Stewarts are convinced the move north was a good one geographically .
29 He was finding it difficult to change old methods of treatment at Claybury 's .
30 Poorer families , already finding it difficult to afford healthy meals , will be hardest hit .
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