Example sentences of "it seems [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
2 It seems implausible that civil servants or politicians can do better than trained analysts in industry and finance .
3 In terms of the training materials themselves , it seems certain that digital multimedia will play a major role .
4 It seems certain that hidden teachings on sacred geometry — form , shape , proportion , number , measure and materials — were passed on into Christian times and were incorporated into much church architecture , including the great cathedrals .
5 Clearly this is an area where guidelines are needed , for it seems unreasonable that certain well-connected institutions can expect to reap the benefits of anonymity in the press , while others have to suffer whatever effects adverse publicly brings .
6 Although only a few cases have been studied , it seems probable that extensive infiltration and smooth muscle replacement by amyloid deposits occur in patients with AH amyloidosis , as shown in our case .
7 It seems probable that similar things happen with muscles in other parts of our speech apparatus .
8 Despite such contradictions the unanimity of the manuscripts in the preservation of the first sixty-five titles makes it clear that these did constitute a code , and it seems probable that other surviving legislation postdates this compilation , and was , at times , intended to complement it .
9 On the other hand , it seems probable that other mosaics with high quality figured work in a central , square panel are later than the Cupids mosaic .
10 However , on the basis of the limited data available , and in the areas that have been considered it seems probable that substantial and largely unrecognised costs have been incurred .
11 It seems probable that elderly people as a whole have more secure incomes and are less marginalized as consumers today than they were at earlier times in this century .
12 It seems probable that compulsory competitive tendering will be introduced , once voluntary and commercial suppliers of domiciliary services are in a stronger position .
13 As for Sami Jafaar , the feeling was that he had not been compromised , although , with hindsight , it seems possible that Syrian intelligence had noticed his involvement .
14 Alternatively , it seems possible that old , cold and thick oceanic lithosphere can attain a density sufficient for it to subside spontaneously into the asthenosphere .
15 It seems essential that critical studies should be undertaken to examine the consequences not only to agriculture but also to visual amenity , recreation , conservation , etc , of alternative afforestation strategies .
16 These are so ponderous and unwieldy and so vulnerable to obstruction that it seems remarkable that major decisions are ever made outside of crisis situations .
17 In retrospect it seems remarkable that economic policy should have paid lip service for so long to an untested hypothesis .
18 It seems peculiar that Minoan sites are concentrated in central and eastern Crete , while western Crete is , apparently , relatively empty .
19 Community care is being used as a euphemism for family care and it seems unlikely that recent policy developments will alter the basic pattern .
20 So it seems unlikely that closed class items were more difficult to retrieve than open class items .
21 So it seems unlikely that chemical sensitivity is allergic in origin .
22 It seems unlikely that mere packaging and grading of produce would qualify as an industrial process giving essential characteristics .
23 In this respect it seems unlikely that successive governments were given the opportunity to return to normalcy in the manner which they wished .
24 The sampling of events in these two studies was not completely random ( see for comparison Brewer , 1988 ) , nonetheless the studies do suggest that although emotionally arousing circumstances can sometimes be well remembered even after very considerable delays ( c.f. Wagenaar & Groeneweg , 1990 ) it seems unlikely that actual feelings of emotional arousal at the time are either necessary or sufficient to cause dramatically enhanced memory .
25 It seems unlikely that adequate data will be available in the near future .
26 It seems unlikely that significant excretion would occur against such a large concentration gradient unless the drug is actively transported out of the cell .
27 It seems unlikely that judicial review would decide that a legitimate expectation of some activity — such as being allowed out of your cell — is an absolute right and must be enforced .
28 Dannell throws doubt on the import of these wares into Britain prior to AD 43 , but with trans-continental trade already well established in pre-conquest times , it seems unlikely that fine pottery should not have come to Britain .
29 Whatever the outcome of those particular appeals ( in which I should declare my professional interest as representative of both Dr Colman and the journalists ) it seems inevitable that English courts , indirectly influenced by Europe , will eventually develop coherent constitutional and legal principles to review the substance of administrative decisions .
30 It seems clear that extensive areas of trees reduce recharge to the underlying aquifers , the forest canopies intercepting rainfall that then evaporates .
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