Example sentences of "it is claimed that the " in BNC.

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1 In a poststructuralist development of the idea , it is claimed that the most literary texts can offer is the endless ‘ free play of signifiers ’ .
2 It is in this latter sense that very often it is claimed that the Conservative Party is advocating an incomes policy , by which is simply meant that the policies which we advocate would , we believe , have as a result the stability of money values and thus have the effect that increases in earnings were real and not merely monetary .
3 It is claimed that the ‘ principle of subsidiarity ’ will ensure that states retain a large measure of independence because federalism means decentralisation .
4 For instance , it is claimed that the world shows evidence of design or purpose : therefore , it is concluded that there must be a divine designer .
5 It is claimed that the church is one of the most complete examples of the Milanese baroque style , but I think the best feature is the campanile , the only part of the older building that remains .
6 In the same report ( UNEP 1982 : 265 ) , it is claimed that the total area being reclaimed by irrigation is probably about the same as is being abandoned through salinisation , alkalinisation and water-logging , and that these problems account for the loss of about 2–3 million ha of the world 's best agricultural land each year .
7 It is claimed that the herbicides used ( including paraquat , delapon , aminotrazole , and glyphosate ) are neutralized on contact with the soil and do not harm soil life , and that earthworms actually increase under this system .
8 It is claimed that the lack of competition and market discipline induces a complacent attitude in both management and the workforce .
9 In spoken language interpreting it is claimed that the interpreter has to improve his memory ability and his tolerance of lag and therefore , if the loop is used at all , it must contain information specifically coded to carry language markers .
10 It is also highly doubtful that this character state can be identified in the broken and distorted partial skulls of Dryopithecus and Graecopithecus , although it is claimed that the former is klinorhynchous because of the brow ridge development .
11 Firstly , it is claimed that the economic power associated with the ownership of property does not threaten liberty because it is not concentrated in the hands of an individual or small group of individuals .
12 It is claimed that the labour of women is required for the creation of wealth and that in certain industries female labour is essential .
13 It is claimed that the entries within LDOCE are defined using a controlled vocabulary of about 2000 words , and that the entries have a simple and regular syntax [ Boguraev & briscoe , 1989 ] .
14 As for cases where it is claimed that the A line contains the more specific term , here also the existence of " automatism " may be doubted .
15 Frequently it is claimed that the very nature of social psychology will be changed by the insights of social representation theory .
16 Although this will mean a slightly increased retrieval time ( of the order of 5 — 8 ms depending on the device ) it is claimed that the space saving more than offsets this overhead .
17 It is claimed that the meaning of existential assertions can be fully clarified only by clarifying the mode of being of the one who makes , and understands , such assertions .
18 Sadly there is little documentary evidence relating to early introductions to Britain , although it is claimed that the Romans brought the walnut and sweet chestnut while remains or myrtle , bay and rosemary have been found on the sites of Roman villas , suggesting that these Mediterranean shrubs were cultivated in their gardens .
19 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
20 It is claimed that the fabliaux can reduce human characters to merely their genitals — perhaps best represented by the excitement of the three women who find an isolated vit — linking brutal violence with crude language and excluding emotion or affection .
21 Regarding the first theme , it is claimed that the provision of welfare by state monopolies leads to waste since they are protected from the efficiency-inducing pressure of market competition .
22 It is claimed that the new levels of pesticide do not pose a risk to health .
23 It is claimed that the Court of Appeal said that information that came within Goulding J's second category can not be protected by an express clause and that that is the wrong approach .
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