Example sentences of "it is recognised [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is recognised that a lot of people who might once have bought homes in the West Country have been flocking to France in recent years to cash in on the predicted property boom .
2 Although it is recognised that a major proportion of referrals to social service departments are about elderly clients ( Black et al . ,
3 Whilst the boundaries of consent are not clearly defined , it is recognised that a woman does not consent to sexual intercourse where a man uses violence to force her .
4 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
5 Much has been written on the topic of occupational health and hygiene and it is recognised that the provision of an adequate and tolerable physical working environment and the promotion of a general feeling of well being among the workforce , is not only important in preventing occupational disease , but in the prevention of accidents .
6 It is recognised that the position on this issue is not always clear cut .
7 It is recognised that the ENP will refer to a doctor as necessary .
8 It is recognised that the multi-million dollar high technology companies have dabbled in throughput , life cycle and activity-based costing techniques , some have even tested Japanese target costing .
9 13.2.2 However , it is recognised that the Academic Partners will be expected to publish the results of their work on the project and may wish to disclose such work in ways other than by publication .
10 More fundamentally , however , because the suggested analogy at once breaks down when it is recognised that the public interest immunity presently in question is not , or at least not principally , confidentiality-based .
11 It is recognised that the established electoral system does discriminate against third parties securing seats in proportion to votes , but this is defended because of the virtues that are seen as flowing from the fact that the system helps to ensure that just one party has a secure majority in the Commons and is therefore able to form a government without the need for coalition .
12 Increasingly it is recognised that the role of management is of crucial importance in securing motivation and morale .
13 3.4 It is recognised that the skills involved in physical restraint and self-defence are alien to many workers .
14 It is recognised that the levels of understanding , practice and responsibility for risk issues vary widely .
15 Nevertheless , it is recognised that the young person is becoming increasingly influenced by the world in which he/she lives — in the main a pluralist and secular world .
16 It is recognised that the model of Attainment Targets , Strands and Levels , offers a well-structured instrument capable of providing progression and continuity within a spiral curriculum plan .
17 While it is recognised that the professor will probably wish to give lectures and classes in areas connected with his or her own field of research , he or she will be expected to cover a somewhat wider range of topics , as required by undergraduate and graduate courses in Roman Archaeology .
18 5.8.2 Immediately to repair cleanse maintain and paint the Premises as required by such notice [ 5.8.3 If within [ one month ] of the service of such a notice the Tenant shall not have commenced and be proceeding diligently with the execution of the work referred to in the notice or shall fail to complete the work within [ 2 ] months [ or if in the Landlord 's [ Surveyor 's ] [ reasonable ] opinion the Tenant is unlikely to have completed the work within such period ] to permit the Landlord to enter the Premises to execute such work as may be necessary to comply with the notice and to pay to the Landlord the cost of so doing and all expenses incurred by the Landlord ( including legal costs and Surveyor 's fees ) within [ 14 ] days of a written demand ] While it is recognised that the landlord should have the right to enter the premises from time to time to ensure that the tenant 's covenants have been complied with , this clause could cause severe disruption to the tenant 's business and should be amended accordingly .
19 This does not , therefore , purport to be a standard list , and it is recognised that an up to date and authoritative list is greatly to be desired .
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