Example sentences of "it is essential that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts .
2 Both are limiting laws , valid only for small strains or rates of strain , and while it is essential that conditions involving large stresses , leading to eventual mechanical failure , be studied , it is also important to examine the response to small mechanical stresses .
3 It is essential that contacts with non-KPMG clients are made in a highly professional manner .
4 As it is estimated that 25 per cent of schoolchildren will have a sight problem that needs attention ( Optical Information Council ) it is essential that vision screening procedures should be effective .
5 In such circumstances it is essential that members of staff are fully aware of the situation and that students abide by the Provisions of the Act .
6 It is essential that relatives have adequate warning so that they can make arrangements for the patient 's homecoming .
7 It is essential that back-up copies of computer programs are made .
8 4.11 If it is essential that money be delivered to clients in their own homes , this must be sanctioned by the line manager and , where possible , should not be done at the same time each week .
9 It is essential that schedules are available for later use reconciling the financial information as presented in the Information memorandum with the audited accounts .
10 It is essential that Russia join the IMF at the earliest opportunity , and I believe that a stabilisation fund may need to follow if Russia is to have a prospect of establishing a successful market economy .
11 When the major source of information is the teacher , it is essential that students gather at fixed times , " to catch the teacher 's words during their moments of fleeting life " as Taylor puts it .
12 We can by no means consider here such a wide range of factors , and it is essential that students supplement this reading with other books of a historical and analytical nature to complete the picture .
13 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
14 It is essential that sections 0404 and 0405 of this manual on Investment Advertisements is read and understood before placing any advertisements .
15 The industrial tribunals at present have no jurisdiction to decide breaches of contracts of employment , and if the statutory protection against unfair dismissal is to retain its advantages over common law it is essential that tribunals decide cases according to reasonableness and not contract .
16 It does , however , mean that it is essential that PR has direct access to the board in order that PR programmes can be sanctioned and executed with full backing from top management .
17 Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent , it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner .
18 It is essential that flora writers should make contact with external GIS providers , so that we can choose a system which will be related to their own needs .
19 Thus , tourism and conservation are closely interlinked and , as Farrell and McLellan ( 1987 ) point out , it is essential that tourism and its policy-makers should take account of the sustainability concept which , while being particularly relevant to agricultural development and forestry practices , is equally important in the context of tourism .
20 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
21 Further , it is essential that engineers are in a position to demonstrate that they have carried out their professional responsibilities and have acted to remove or reduce risks to responsible and acceptable levels .
22 First , it is essential that cycles be accepted on routes where they are at present accepted — and preferably on all routes .
23 It is essential that parents understand that stickers can not be removed once they have been earned , no matter how badly behaved the child is .
24 It is essential that changes are managed in a disciplined way .
25 It is essential that Mrs G Lomas be kept informed of our deliberations , so that she can incorporate any revision of the Science Plan in her final document .
26 7.9.4 to produce to the Tenant on demand written confirmation from the insurers that they have agreed to waive all rights of subrogation against the Tenant ] ] It is essential that covenants of this nature should be included except where insurance is to be in the joint names of the landlord and tenant .
27 The power supply for the ventilation system introduces another factor , since it is essential that emergency power to other functions in the accommodation should not be jeopardised .
28 It is essential that development of the Single Market does not compound regional inequalities , causing massive emigration from poorer regions and inefficient ‘ overheating ’ in richer regions .
29 It is essential that bulbs spend a period of time in cool , dark conditions before flowering ( this is known as plunging ) to ensure that a good root system is produced , otherwise stunted growth and deformed flowers can result .
30 It is essential that customers are aware of any conditions of carriage .
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