Example sentences of "it is clear [that] this " in BNC.

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1 Since the Crown could not afford an absolute loss of revenue , it is clear that this expansion of the waste had to be at the expense of society .
2 It is clear that this signal is the same in all higher vertebrates ; what has changed in evolution is the response .
3 It is clear that this is a case of stable equilibrium between society and nature .
4 It is clear that this increase of interest in health and fitness is becoming increasingly important in determining the choice of hotel .
5 For many , ‘ law ’ and ‘ order ’ refer to the ideal of legality ( or ‘ the rule of law ’ ) — and while it is clear that this does not refer to an uncontroversial notion , it is arguable that most people would agree on certain core features of the rule of law : a congruence of official action with a previously declared rule so as to preserve individual autonomy and freedom from arbitrary state power , and a notion of equal treatment of individuals in the eye of the law .
6 It is clear that this was not necessarily the case .
7 Nowadays it is clear that this distinction is illusory ; scientific applications of computers often require character string manipulation and need many of the transput facilities of business data-processing , while business applications increasingly need sophisticated arithmetic calculation .
8 It is clear that this " mood " could only have come to dominate the study of English by deflecting the major challenges to its status as a " real discipline " .
9 The main variables for the inner-city research ( most of which were reported in J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1978 ) were therefore selected on the general principle that a large number of tokens must be identifiable in the data , and it is clear that this stark necessity must override any other consideration .
10 It is clear that this change is highly evaluated in Belfast in terms of social class hierarchy and status , as it is the more prestigious groups that tend to adopt it and the more ‘ advanced ’ ( generally female and younger ) group who introduce it to the conservative inner-city communities ( which are characterized by dense and multiplex network ties that tend to resist innovation and maintain conservative forms ) .
11 It is clear that this impression made upon us is no less significant in determining our conception of the individuals concerned than the articulate self-expression represented by the conversation we may be engaged in within this setting .
12 Even if we admit that an element of calculation usually enters into racist practices , rather than blind hatred , it is clear that this model ignores the deeper reaches of the racist imagination , the structures of feeling and phantasy which are embedded in even the most rationalized forms of racist argument and action .
13 In accounting for the curious distortion of the doctrine that has taken place in England , it is clear that this can not be explained by the mere presence of constitutional arrangements based on a separation of powers or it would be much more prevalent than it is .
14 If the remedies provided in England were of universal application then it is clear that this appeal would not have been before your Lordships .
15 It is clear that this can have no retrospective effect on the actual forms of association , but it can have important other effects , since in presenting the history of philosophy or painting in this way it suggests forms of identification or association to new contributors .
16 In 1963 the hundred largest UK enterprises controlled on average only 40 plants each within the UK : by 1972 this had increased to 72 , and it is clear that this period of domestic expansion and takeovers was also the main period of international expansion by TNCs .
17 It is clear that this kind of INSET provision could have been much more effective if the membership of each course had been carefully targeted and hence more homogeneous ; many of the teachers who attended would have been better served by a simpler , more sharply focused presentation of recommendations specifically relevant to their own current practice .
18 It is clear that this position creates difficulties when operating in the context of community development .
19 It is clear that this is partly due to the fact that incomes have been rising in real terms , so that people feel able to take on an increased burden of debt .
20 From the very first entry at the top of the list it is clear that this discussion was to be for Darwin revelatory .
21 And when the clerks have taken their " " esement " " by " swyving " the miller 's wife and daughter it is clear that this hurts the miller first and foremost in his family pride .
22 In retrospect , it is clear that this preemptive strategy succeeded : in most areas of France , the transfer of power into the hands of the Gaullist state went relatively smoothly ; Vichy 's bureaucracy put up no substantial resistance to de Gaulle ; and the AMGOT threat was averted .
23 Now that Philip van Wilder 's collected works have at last appeared in print , it is clear that this too is a distinctive body of music that Byrd absorbed without actually committing plagiarism ; only play van Wilder 's ‘ O dulks regard ’ beside Byrd 's ‘ Ne irascaris ’ and you will hear what I mean .
24 Although judges sometimes loosely talk of material which is " inherently obscene " or " obscene per se " , it is clear that this concept is irreconcilable with the legislative definition of obscenity .
25 Lord Mayor it is clear that this country can not sustain the present numbers of applicants seeking asylum .
26 Lord Mayor , it is clear that this country can not sustain the present numbers of applicants seeking asylum .
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