Example sentences of "it was assumed that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From a combination of three levels of professional development — unreflective self-evaluation based on practical knowledge , self-evaluation as practical deliberation and self-evaluation as action research — it was assumed that teaching quality would most noticeably be improved through deliberation and action research .
2 It was assumed that projects exist either with easily specified cash flows or with easily specified underlying factors which give rise to those cash flows .
3 It was assumed that Europe ( outside the Dual Monarchy and Russia ) ought to be organized on national lines .
4 It was assumed that shareholders would have a long-term commitment to their company and that if there was a problem , it would be the directors rather than the shareholders who would change .
5 Only the unmarried mother was given specific mention ; for the rest it was assumed that women would follow their husbands .
6 Until now it was assumed that sites deep underground provided a stable environment for buried waste .
7 It was assumed that schools would be using the materials and theme for about twelve periods a week for six weeks , as Miss Garnett noted : " This is probably as long as the steam stays in a theme for this age , and nobody should feel embarrassed about pulling out of it quicker if it seems right to do so " ( Leicester/Leicestershire Curriculum Development Project 1970 : I ) .
8 Built during a period of architectural optimism , when it was assumed that technology would triumph , it had been laid out in a series of oblong paved courtyards , surrounded by long , low , concrete-faced buildings , remarkable solely for their brutalism .
9 Crudely simplified , majority opinion passed through two well-defined phases in the West : first , it was assumed that war was unthinkable and impossible as a continuation of policy ; later , it was suggested that within certain limits nuclear war might still be winnable , if you were sufficiently prepared .
10 At the time Beccaria was writing , however , it was assumed that God and righteousness would prevent innocents from breaking under torture and falsely confessing .
11 At seminary , it was assumed that God was above and his servants below , and somewhere in between came his ministers of religion .
12 In assessing the impact of stories of premature interment , one must bear in mind that for most of the nineteenth century , medical science , such as it was , was helpless in the face of coma and cardiac arrest ; if the patient had apparently ceased breathing and had no discernable heartbeat , it was assumed that death had come .
13 Until such pioneers as Marjorie Warren began to demonstrate otherwise in the 1930s , it was assumed that victims of strokes , for example , were incapable of rehabilitation .
14 Before the fascinating high-fibre research findings it was assumed that weight loss depended entirely on the number of calories consumed compared with the number expended by the body .
15 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
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