Example sentences of "it was actually the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although John Wright had been due to send Hanns a letter about the technical requirements , it was actually the choreographer who wrote again in late September , suggesting simplification to avoid distracting the eye and adding ‘ You must design several feet around the back cloth , otherwise what you have designed will be cut off by the back legs and flies ’ .
2 ( Act 1 scene 3 ) And , only three lines after this , the theme of belief in the power of evil is shown by Macbeth when he says that the witches gave him the Thanehood when it was actually the king .
3 So obviously I kept drinking the water and the next day , on the Sunday , the pain was so bad we called the doctor again and he found out I was in labour and he sent me to the hospital and they found out not until the Thursday that it was actually the cryptosporidium that had caused it .
4 Networks operating on this principle perform an operation that is likely to be extremely important for the neocortex , and it was actually the search for a mechanism that would do this that led us to the suggested modification rule : the modifiable interconnections tend to make the representative elements become uncorrelated , and thus to signal independently of each other .
5 Although it looked outwardly like a Deltic , it was actually the forerunner of class 50 .
6 WHEN the familiar bongs rang out heralding the start of News At Ten last night it was actually the programme itself that was about to make headlines .
7 Er , I liked the spooling but some I just do n't know , some of the girls get kind of one one thing by the other I can object to , I think it was actually the atmosphere of the , the girls that worked in the department that I
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