Example sentences of "it is apparent that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At a deeper level , it is apparent that not all observers share Scarman 's analysis of the problem or its associated policy response , and it is possible to identify stances both to the right and left of this central reformist tradition .
2 It is apparent that not only do actual levels of expenditure per head of the elderly population vary greatly between local authorities , but there are also striking differences in the way the money is spent , for example in the level of support provided to the heavily dependent compared with that for the less dependent .
3 Comparing Figs. 3.4(a) and 3.4(b) it is apparent that not only are the characteristics still sinusoidal but also the value of peak static torque is unchanged .
4 It is apparent that even with the forecast winds used by the crew the flight was undertaken with marginal fuel reserves which were insufficient to take care of possible navigation errors , air traffic control delays , changes of planned altitude or variance in forecast winds .
5 It is apparent that even where investigations have commenced within physical geography they have often proceeded to become intertwined with other disciplines .
6 However , if we look at Valerie 's behaviour just before this in the conversation , it is apparent that actually not all this talk is intended for the baby .
7 Glancing at the animal kingdom as a whole it is apparent that biologically simple organisms regulate their transactions with the environment primarily through a genetic endowment of relatively inflexible action patterns .
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