Example sentences of "it is apparent that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And if the queen would not agree to all this , ‘ as is likely ’ , for the ‘ greedy and tyrannous affection of France , then it is apparent that Almighty God is pleased to transfer from her the rule of the kingdom for the weale of it ’ .
2 Schools should draw to the attention of young people and their parents any areas where it is apparent that greater efforts need to be made if the Compact goals are to be achieved .
3 That was fixed for 2 August 1991 and it is apparent that all parties were aware that that was the relevant date for the hearing of the motion .
4 Looking at in-law relationships generally , it is apparent that one of their distinctive features in any culture is that they are conducted both through , and in a sense for the sake of , a third party .
5 It is apparent that such a pattern requires the existence of a variation in the piling up of water along the beach .
6 Therefore it is apparent that possible stimulation of platelet function by hypoglycaemia must be borne in mind when interpreting the results of longitudinal studies of ‘ tight ’ glycaemic control on platelet function .
7 Even if one accepts the figures , it is apparent that four out of five fatal accidents are caused by people who are stone-cold sober .
8 If one looks at the lists of endangered specials it is apparent that many are large animals .
9 The issues raised by this and subsequent questions go to the heart of the debate on the Compensation Fund , and it is apparent that many of those who answered negatively felt to varying degrees that in the present commercial climate the public could no longer expect the entire profession to compensate them for any losses they suffered at the hands of a tiny minority of errant solicitors — particularly as no comparable compensation was available from the providers of other professional services .
10 It is apparent that other factors may also be relevant : for instance , in Stag Line Ltd v Tyne Ship Repair Group Ltd ( The Zinnia ) [ 1984 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 211 Staughton J was inclined to hold the terms in a commercial contract unreasonable " first because they are in such small print that one can barely read them ; secondly , the draftsmanship is so convoluted and prolix that one almost needs an LLB to understand them " .
11 With hindsight , it is apparent that new entrants experienced difficulty in predicting customer demand , and may in the event have overestimated the sustainable level .
12 When it is apparent that external circumstances have changed , you have to decide whether to cry chicken and run too early , or continue to reinforce and spend time , money and ever increasing numbers of your best people , who are invariably sucked into the most difficult areas of the battle , trying to fight a war which you can not win .
13 Going back to those first commands and prohibitions on which ( among other things ) conscience is founded , it is apparent that some babies heed them more readily and consistently than others , and that some parents convey them more effectively than others .
14 It is apparent that any differences must be very small , and may not be noticeable to people from outside London at all .
15 It is apparent that physical appearance and presence are powerful aspects of non-verbal communication , and the amount and variety of make-up products , jewellery , perfume , aftershave , spectacle frames in department stores is an eloquent reflection of the range of taste .
16 Although not explicit in Malinowski 's theory , it is apparent that hunter-gatherer belief systems also express a strong feeling of anxiety or guilt about killing and exploiting non-human-animals , hence the notion that punishment can only be avoided by behaving in a respectful way towards individual animals and nature in general .
17 Quite a variety of Silurian plants are now known , and by the end of the Devonian it is apparent that most of the problems of terrestrial living had been solved , to the extent that large tree ‘ ferns ’ of the time would have had dimensions comparable with forest trees today .
18 From the earlier chapters it is apparent that myocardial infarction is an all-too-frequent occurrence in diabetic patients , whether they are insulin-dependent or not .
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