Example sentences of "it is now apparent that " in BNC.

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1 The grosser absurdities of the consultative document have disappeared , and it is now apparent that the cross-curricular elements ( those aspects of learning that will not slot into the conventional ‘ subject ’ boxes yet are still too important to be left to chance ) are going ( somehow ) to be retained .
2 It is now apparent that too much weight has been attached to tool using .
3 It is now apparent that poor readers can be meaningfully divided into two groups .
4 Moreover , following a study that failed to show superiority of intravenous nutrition over polymeric feeding or oral food with parenteral supplementation , it is now apparent that complete bowel rest is not essential for achieving remission in acute Crohn 's disease with nutritional treatment .
5 I hope it is now apparent that soft conventionalism is not really a form of conventionalism at all in the spirit of the tripartite distinction among conceptions we are now using .
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