Example sentences of "it is [adv] apparent that " in BNC.

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1 It is however apparent that differences in comprehensive income measured in this way do not necessarily correspond to differences in ability to pay , defined in terms of opportunity sets .
2 It is thus apparent that serious consequences may follow if a national court finds that national legislation , on its true interpretation , does not have the effect of implementing relevant provisions of a Community directive .
3 Talking to regular BES investors it is soon apparent that most have suffered from a trading company failing in its early days .
4 Within the broad perspective of rural settlement studies it is most apparent that they are not static entities and their mobility results in their frequent desertion .
5 From the description of the cocoa arbitration above ( 15.6.5 ) , it is immediately apparent that there are no submissions or evidence .
6 It is increasingly apparent that the context of an election is important in shaping its result .
7 Towards the end of the 1980s , it is increasingly apparent that cities are likely to find themselves very much in the firing line , as a series of radical measures are implemented concerning education , social security and local taxation .
8 It is also apparent that the cities have suffered as a result of the abolition in 1986 of the metropolitan counties and the Greater London Council .
9 Taking a longer-term perspective it is also apparent that , during the post-war period from 1946 to the early 1960s , political , social , and economic changes combined to create a particular , historically new set of experiences and definitions of old age .
10 In a number of countries including France and Italy , it is also apparent that a good deal of prominence attaches to the central union federations .
11 But it is also apparent that that totality is not completely known , nor is its future shape even presumed .
12 However , one has to be cautious in drawing such general conclusions , since it is also apparent that it became a practice in the early period ( c. 3000 BC ) to depict animals in human positions .
13 It is also apparent that multiple tenascin isoforms are detectable at the mRNA and protein level .
14 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
15 It is patently apparent that young Georg has forgotten just who owns the Zimmermann farm .
16 However , it is already apparent that resistance can be induced in insects relatively rapidly when they are exposed to toxin that has been expressed in plants or other organisms .
17 It is already apparent that players are much fitter than at the same time last season .
18 I hope it is already apparent that the intense enthusiasm for sport generated by blacks in both the United States and Britain is no historical accident .
19 The problem in considering the future of fertilizers is rather to consider the changes which will occur in world agriculture , and it is already apparent that they will be many .
20 While overt conflict between the press and the police is rarely evident , it is quite apparent that the press sometimes goes beyond what the police feel is appropriate speculation in particular cases .
21 However , if the specific practices of lawyers are examined it is readily apparent that most clients are not working class .
22 However , when these data are projected from olivine ( part b in the figure ) rather than plagioclase , it is readily apparent that the ‘ coherent ( groundmass ) mixing trend ’ ( ref. 1 ) is oblique to the Haiti glass trend .
23 It is readily apparent that some courts , and some judges , have used the very ambiguity inherent in that dichotomy in an instrumental fashion ; the decision whether to label a part of the X factor as jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional is influenced by a judicial desire to intervene or not as the case may be .
24 It is therefore apparent that labour within the Personnel area was something of a scarce resource !
25 But it is still apparent that many current ‘ verbal ability tests ’ , together with most papers in Social Studies , Science and General Knowledge are in urgent need of review .
26 The grosser absurdities of the consultative document have disappeared , and it is now apparent that the cross-curricular elements ( those aspects of learning that will not slot into the conventional ‘ subject ’ boxes yet are still too important to be left to chance ) are going ( somehow ) to be retained .
27 It is now apparent that too much weight has been attached to tool using .
28 It is now apparent that poor readers can be meaningfully divided into two groups .
29 Moreover , following a study that failed to show superiority of intravenous nutrition over polymeric feeding or oral food with parenteral supplementation , it is now apparent that complete bowel rest is not essential for achieving remission in acute Crohn 's disease with nutritional treatment .
30 I hope it is now apparent that soft conventionalism is not really a form of conventionalism at all in the spirit of the tripartite distinction among conceptions we are now using .
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