Example sentences of "it seem [prep] first sight " in BNC.

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1 It seemed at first sight to be a chaos of struggling men and horses , a wild mêlée ; but soon it became apparent to the newcomers that it was in fact more like a whirlpool of activity , with the ambushed English , above whom the royal standard wavered uncertainly , in the centre , whilst their more numerous attackers circled round them , smiting and thrusting but apparently making only moderate impact .
2 At the end of a quarter of a mile of rough track it seems on first sight to be a typically humble and remote farmhouse , with its low and unobtrusive policies almost growing around it .
3 Neither judgment is quite the epitaph it seems at first sight .
4 This is a more generous protest even than it seems at first sight , for Jacob 's possessions include Esau 's birthright , and Isaac 's blessing that had been meant for him .
5 It seems at first sight strange that in a disposition essentially formless so much time should be spent by the jurists on questions of wording .
6 The interpretation of this measure of consistency is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight .
7 The debate about using readmission to measure quality of care is obviously much more complex than it seems at first sight .
8 However , although it seems at first sight that prospects for prevention associated with life events are bleak , there are nevertheless a number of realistic possibilities , and it is important to go through these .
9 For example , as we noted , the definition of pragmatics as concerned with encoded aspects of context may be less restrictive than it seems at first sight ; for if in general ( a ) principles of language usage have as corollaries principles of interpretation , and ( b ) principles of language usage are likely in the long run to impinge on grammar ( and some empirical support can be found for both propositions ) , then theories about pragmatic aspects of meaning will be closely related to theories about the grammaticalization of aspects of context .
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