Example sentences of "it would appear [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It usually dawns on you slowly that all is not as it would appear on the surface .
2 However , the occasional study has failed to demonstrate increased platelet aggregation in diabetics free of vascular disease ( Petersen & Gormsen , 1978 ; Corbella et al , 1979 ) and certainly it would appear from the studies as a whole that platelet aggregation is more enhanced in diabetics with complications .
3 It would appear from the remarks of our incomer informants that for them too , the most readily apparent distinction between types of Shetlanders is along the sex and age dimensions .
4 It would appear from the sequel that Lady Barbara would have been more reckless and that it was Hornblower 's caution which prevented the friendship from becoming a romance .
5 Sir , I apologise , I was going by this figure made by which indicated that it expired on the thirty first of March , I think and in fact , that is a an error on the officer 's part it would appear from the licensing authorities in fact , it expired at the end of May .
6 It would appear from the licensing authorities in fact it expired at the end of May .
7 It would appear from the judgment of Vinelott J. that this opinion is one which corresponds with his own .
8 It would appear from the Minutes of the Presbytery of Kintyre that no one in Islay was brought before the meeting of the Presbytery after 1702 .
9 It would appear from the Minutes of the Presbytery of Kintyre that no one in Islay was brought before the meeting of the Presbytery after 1702 .
10 It would appear from the report of Hudson that the defendant had simply overbalanced in his excitement .
11 Sometimes you would find it wedged next to ‘ Witchcraft in Stuart Wimbledon ’ and , later , it would appear in the middle of ‘ The Impact of the Black Death on South West London ’ .
12 In other times she would have been obsessively at her pen or her typewriter ; as it was , she harassed her scribes and possible scribes continually — to death , it would appear in the case of the first one .
13 From the following information write up his account as it would appear in the books of the hotel :
14 and it would appear in the simple times , before mine , even I had experience at Newark , that men could get a sub in the week because you 're actually in two days you 've actually earnt two days money and you have n't got it .
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