Example sentences of "it be [prep] these terms " in BNC.

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1 It is in these terms that we find sodomy lurking in the cultural histories of the deviants in early modern England , and in a way which throws light on the persistence today of the connection between political and sexual subversion , and the condensation/displacement of social crisis into sexuality .
2 It is in these terms that the ideas and activity of the revolutionary wing of the intelligentsia have to be understood .
3 It is in these terms that an attack is often mounted on the whole idea of synonymy .
4 This view depends , of course , on seeing the reader , not as a unique individual , a private being , but as a vessel or meeting point for a variety of cultural codes and literary conventions , and it is in these terms and not those of affective experience that reading and readers would have to be discussed : the reader qua reader is as much the product of a ‘ grammar ’ ( however loosely this notion may now be conceived ) as was the text in classical structuralism .
5 It may seem odd to begin a description of Roland Michell with an excursus into the complicated relations of Blackadder , Cropper and Ash , but it was in these terms that Roland most frequently thought of himself .
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