Example sentences of "it be revealed [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Italian government falls as it is revealed that Vatican money to rescue Olivetti came from the Mafia ; Cosa Nostra says ‘ we were just doing Our Thing ’ .
2 It was revealed that Newall was staying with with friends in Fulham when Rachel was killed .
3 But yesterday it was revealed that lawyers for the survivors , victims ' families , the airline , Boeing and three companies that made the engines have agreed payments will not be restricted .
4 Thomson , whose companies include Horizon , Skytours , OSL , HCI and Wings , announced its new prices as it was revealed that bookings for 1993 are already 10 per cent down on last year .
5 That view was supported last night when it was revealed that Anne would not promise to obey her new husband during the service at the stone and slate-built Crathie Church , close to Balmoral , on Saturday .
6 Yesterday it was revealed that PC Hall escaped death by a whisker when he was shot at point-blank range .
7 In the September 1981 party conference it was revealed that Healey had indeed won , by the narrowest of margins , with 50.3 per cent of the popular vote ; the star of Tony Benn began to dim somewhat thereafter , not least because Michael Foot was able subtly to mount a movement of the old ( or ‘ soft ’ ) constitutionally-minded left against the ‘ hard left ’ of the neo-Marxist , unilateralist fringe .
8 Australian businessman Alan Bond shot to international prominence when it was revealed that Sotheby 's had lent him the money to purchase van Gogh 's $53.9 million ‘ Irises ’ .
9 THE Queen came under fire last night when it was revealed that taxpayers fork out £369,000 for a day 's sailing in the royal yacht Britannia .
10 It was revealed that Prokofiev had called for a central committee plenum to be held on Aug. 20 to remove Gorbachev as general secretary .
11 Since it was revealed that Middlesbrough was to be given environment city status the borough council has organised a number of initiatives to help improve the town .
12 Last month it was revealed that Di was taped speaking on the phone to bachelor James Gilbey , who told her ‘ I love you . ’
13 The Love Canal issue raised a scandal in the late 1970s , when it was revealed that families living in the area were at serious risk from chemical poisoning .
14 On Nov. 18 it was revealed that Bennett was Bush 's choice to succeed Lee Atwater as Republican Party chairman in January 1991 .
15 In August it was revealed that Karen Smith , the Birmingham girl currently languishing in a Thailand prison after being convicted of drug smuggling , had been signed up by agents IMG .
16 The day before it was revealed that Cammell Laird is to close with the loss of 900 jobs , virtually banging the final nail into Merseyside 's unemployment coffin .
17 During subsequent interrogation it was revealed that Ann Lynn had made a rendezvous during the night with a Dutch cargo vessel , had stowed the contraband below for later disposal , and calmly taken out the anglers for a day 's fishing before unloading the loot .
18 FRESH fears of a doping scandal emerged yesterday when it was revealed that Martin Pipe 's Triumph Hurdle candidate , Her Honour , had failed a post-race drug test .
19 Tax relief on forest ownership has also been abolished due to the media uproar of 1988 when it was revealed that celebrities and business corporations were investing in conifer plantations as a tax dodge .
20 SHARES in security specialist Gardiner Group plunged to a new low yesterday after it was revealed that assets worth £3.5m have gone astray .
21 The astonishing show of support came on the day it was revealed that tapes of an intimate phone call between Di and a male friend are almost certainly genuine .
22 Sure enough , next day saw a procession , only Lamb and Hussain passing thirty , although Smith batted for an hour with a broken finger and it was revealed that Hussain had been playing for five weeks with a broken bone in his wrist and Lamb had a cracked elbow .
23 The day after the announcement of the new travel policy it was revealed that Bush 's former Education Secretary , Lauro Cavazos , was under criminal investigation for the abuse of air travel privileges whilst in office .
24 The row grew into one of the most embarrassing in the BBC 's history after it was revealed that Mr Birt had been employed as a freelance to gain tax advantages in his £140,000-a-year job .
25 At a press conference on June 9 ( after the close of polls ) , it was revealed that Bartoncik had attended a meeting with Havel and his advisers on June 5 , when he was shown documentation indicating his involvement as a paid informer for the StB for 17 years .
26 International forces landed in Beirut as the PLO started to leave and it was revealed that Prince Andrew , hailed as going to Cambridge University , had obtained one C and two Ds in his A-level results .
27 In the last intermediate report of the group , published in June , 1988 , it was revealed that Cats alone had generated £250 million in the previous three years , and that Lloyd Webber had personally earned £12.5 million from the show .
28 In the course of the conversation , it was revealed that Nini , the garrison belle of Amiens , with whom Gouraud had been passionately enamoured as a Captain , had in fact bestowed her favours on all three oflicers in the course of time .
29 It was revealed that Spiro had been a middle man between the CIA and MI6 over the release of Beirut hostages including Terry Waite and John McCarthy .
30 Ever since it was revealed that Grant has a boat I have been playing mind games to get him to invite us .
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