Example sentences of "it very difficult [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Conventional programs ( Fig. 2 ) embed the knowledge in the instructions , making it very difficult for all but a few programmers to understand the logic of the program .
2 Now , on the national issue of course , like all legislation there are all the side issues that pop up after the legislation has been passed , and there 's no question in my mind that one of the side effects of the opting out legislation that it will make it very difficult for local authorities to reorganize .
3 Well I think that it must be recognised that the current state of demand and supply is going to make it very difficult for most applicants , and we would be concerned to advise them not to panic unduly as a result of that , and to make their choices on the sort of rational criteria that would apply in any year .
4 These obstacles have made it very difficult for British companies to launch takeovers on the continent , despite the fact that in 1988 the aggregate value of foreign takeovers in the UK amounted to around £35 billion , which was 73% by value of the EC total , followed by France with a mere 10% of the takeovers ; in 1990 over £30 billion worth of UK firms fell into foreign ownership , that is over four times the comparable figure in France , Germany or Spain .
5 They make it very difficult for British firms to make acquisitions , especially hostile bids , and show the ‘ single market ’ to be in reality a very one-sided affair , pivoted far too much against British interests .
6 The Royal Navy , with the Special Boat Squadron , would make it very difficult for any unauthorised vessel to approach the oil and gas platforms .
7 ‘ You make it very difficult for any man to resist you .
8 This clash between school values and home values made it very difficult for some schools to tackle problems of pupil absence .
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